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healing from a lost friendship


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Hey everyone,


So I had a friend that I had feelings for and I did something pretty stupid, and after that we never spoke again. I talked about it in previous posts if you want to read about it. It's been about three months now. It was really hard losing him after it happened, but now I'm doing a lot better and feeling like my old self again. But I still think about it quite a bit, and it's hard. I think about the good times we had, and I think how our friendship could of grown and all that if I had not made my stupid mistakes.


So what I'm wandering is what could help me get over him more? How long could this whole thing haunt me for? I know it wasn't like a break up from a relationship or anything but it's still pretty hard. I know so many people go through this too, so if you could share what helped you out if you lost someone special, that could be cool too. Thanks!

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Yikes, two months and still no contact from your mate?


Here's my story. I have a female friend that has two boys. The younger boy posted on Facebook "I should just end it all." The boy's uncle replied with something joking. I thought it was all in fun, so I replied jokingly too. The older boy sent me a private message saying he had to pry a knife out of his younger brother's hands. Oops. Their mom, my old friend from childhood, tore me a new one and unfriended me. I apologized and let it go. I tried to refriend a week later. No response. I tried again a month later. She accepted. We never spoke of it again.


Did you apologize? Have you tried to reach out since then?

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Well I can't really apologize after what I did... I guess I could but it wouldn't help anything. I would love to have our friendship back but feel like the only thing I can now is just to move on like I'm doing. I work full time, and have most of my friends there. When I'm off I love doing my own thing. I'm really particular on the people I hangout with, and he was just the type of person I enjoy being around. I haven't really met anyone one like him. I don't usually regret doing things to much, but with that whole thing I kind of do. I just wish this whole thing wouldn't bother me so much still.

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