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Is fear of a new situation interrupting meeting a gal for the first time?

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I me this gal online a couple of months ago. We get a long great through texting, messaging, talking on the phone etc. Now it's crunch time. Me going down to see her. Its about a 2 hour flight which isn't bad, but I just have this absolute horrible fear of being there as it would be my first time in a situation like that. (i.e. going out to see someone I have never met before. I think it's the fair of the unknown, new place, uncertainy etc.)



She's really understanding and sensitive to my fears, as we have talked about it. I also had to apologize because she had basically said, If I don't come out there, then its going to be hard to continue talking. Which is understandable. I should have taking all this into some serious consideration when we first began talking. (As I knew we would have to meet up at some point.) We haven't made anything official, as we're obviously waiting to see what it would be like together.


I guess my question is, am I allowing this fear of going out there ruin any chance of meeting her, or am i sub-consciencely not as interested as I once was? It's really stressing me out and I am so lost.


Thanks for any help.

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I think you should go, have fun, and go with the flow. You're thinking 18 steps in advance instead of just taking the first step.



Thanks for the support. I booked the trip... which is a huge step. Ill definitely take your advice, thanks again.

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