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Rejected for a highly desired promotion

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Hi everyone,


I'm pretty upset right now. I had applied for an internal position, essentially my dream job. Someone else got the position over me and I just found this out now. I have more seniority than this person and we work in a union, however due to some loopholes they found a way around it. I do not know what to do - I feel like I am wasting time in this company now and should start looking for work. The hardest part is theres not many better paying jobs, or better jobs out there right now. I also do not know how to act and am completely embarassed as everyone basically thought I was a "shoe-in". Should I start looking for other work? I feel very upset and almost betrayed. I have the qualifications, and have had stellar performance reviews. They basically said that she is a better fit for the position and that I did nothing wrong. I'm very upset as this was my dream job and its extremely rare that these opportunities arise.

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I don't understand what you mean by loopholes. I'm a union member and that kind of stuff doesn't fly. You need to talk to your shop steward so they can file a grievance on your behalf. Where I work, senority rules unless of course you have some disciplinary stuff on your record that would prevent a promotion.

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