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Alright so its been about 3 happy months of no contact with my ex. I've moved on, all that stuff, and I can even imagine her with another guy, and it doesn't hurt too much. So her birthday comes up, and I decide to message her and tell her happy birthday, just cuz, i dont know, I just wanted to tell her. The next day I said hi to her and stuff, and we talked for about an hour or two, and it wasnt weird at all, we just caught up, joked around all that stuff. Generally had a pretty fun time talking to her, and she even seemed a little flirty. Which, jeez, I'm not sure why she would do that, and I think she was overly nice to me for the first time talking to her again in 3 months.


I then told her I was going to go, because I had to write an essay for college, I came on later that night and she imed me again. And we talked just the same. But she said she was gonna leave and play a game, and invited me along with her. I told her I couldn't cuz I was gonna work on my paper some more, and she offered to help me with my paper. I mean, to me these things are just a little weird to be doing, and she called me by my pet name she had for me when we were toghether. I just think its a little weird for someone that doesnt want me back (she never said she didn't) to do after a 3 month hiatus and thats our first time talking. There are a bunch of other things that got me thinking, but i was just wondering what you guys think and if you could give me any advice on what to do. If it doesnt work out again, I'll be fine, but I would like for it to work out. And actually I was the one that left her in the first place and she decided she didnt want to put up with my games anymore i guess, and she wouldnt take me back after I realized it was a mistake. That was 7-8 months ago and I still think about her daily and stuff. Not in a sad way though. oh well just let me know what you think, and sorry its so long. thank you.


0X 8)

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I guess if you think it matters, I left her because of recurring problems, and in that time, shortly after I met another girl, and I saw her for like a month or less, which was wrong, and I know it was immature, but its been like 7 months since then, I've changed, I feel like I was such a little boy at that time and I've grown up a lot. And I know shes seen it, and I regret it all so much, I only hung out with the girl, and we kissed, and that was about it. I really realized I screwed up a lot but it was too late. But honestly I almost think, enough time has passed, she can't be that mad about it anymore. And I cried and apologized enough times explaining my stupid logic and all that. And there it is, if you think that helps....

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well you're the one who messed up. hopefully for your sake she'll take you back. my boyfriend (we've been together for 1 yr and 1/2) broke up with me about 6 mos ago cause we kept fighting over dumb stuff. but we got back together two days after and things have been amazing ever since. now if he had left me and hung out with another girl i could never go back with him. but if she is more linient than me maybe she will be able to overlook that. just be yourself and show her how you truly feel. maybe she'll be able to trust you again.

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On the one hand, she may be trying to be friends because she fears losing you altogether after all that NC time. On the other hand, it sounds like she may want to try to get you back. Probably a decent idea to have her come visit you and see what happens, if she just wants to be friends and you can't deal with that then maybe you should move on, but who knows, inviting you to play a game with her and offereing to help with your paper sound liek things she would do to get a chance to get to see you to try to get you back.



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yeah see, i dont know, cuz I think this is a very weird response to not talking for months at a time. And I was just wondering what you guys thought and what I should do. I doubt I would be able to handle just being her friend, I think I can just forget that idea altogether. And I'm not sure if she is single, any ideas about my approach, or what you think i should do? thanks so far to everyone that helped out.

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