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You are right Mix Maxter. I probably would do the same thing if i was the girl... Hmmm Now im really thinking


Ok, so that is it. ENough is enough. The next time he calls i will say. Look, the first time u called you said u want to be friends and to have no 'prblems' (im guessing hard feelings) and i agreed. So i will say. Ok we can be friends but there is no need to call for no reason. No need to call to see 'wassup' or 'what are u upto?' Im doing fine and so are you. Im getting on with my life and i dun really appricate your calls...


what u think??


I dunno the whole situation is REALLY weird.... like... sumtimes i think MAYBE he is having doubts and wanting me back. NOT THAT I WOULD GET BACK WITH HIm!


Seriously guys, this man is just screwing me up big time. WHen he was around he hurt me, when he is not around, he TRIES to be around! KILL ME!!


What i dont get is, apparently him and his new gal arent as intimate as wen we were a couple. By that i mean, they dun hold hands in public and stuff. I Dunno what they do in private, but i couldnt give a damn anyhow.


Point is: A stong part of me feels that he is wanting me back or regretting the break-up. HOwever, i dunno if that is the case. It might be "me" for all i know... its all so twisted




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Btw, this is why i find it weird right...

because :


1) They satrted dating STRAIGHT after our breakup (wel after a month) and we dated for 1.5 years... and he DID love me. (DID) lol

2) One of mutual friends have said that this girl has the same frame as me (very strange, one fo the fellow posters here at enotalone mentioned that this might be because i was his first love or wavter but then it could just be his 'type')

3) Another mutual friend said that he still wears the ring i bought him the ring that we got 'engaged' (ppft) in right? Not really engaged, just a semi-serious/joke between us. But still...

4) I do hip-hop and this girl apparently is into dancing too. ( COincidence?? )

5) She is a very shy girl... and im very friendly... she hardly talks, and im very dte... Opposites attract?

6) The mutual friend in number 2 mentioned to me that when he met the new gf (btw, he couldnt even rmrb her name lol) that they went clubbing and they look like they are just friends (no pda) which leads me to think maybe its all a trick to get me?? it could be that she is a rebound (which is unfair)


And last of all


7) The same mutual frined in 2 and 7 asked my ex when they went clubbing agian whther he was serious with this new girl and he said 'no commitments man!" oMG how rude ist hat and what does it mean?!


8) This girl that my ex now lives with (just a friend) said that they were talking about ex's the other day and she asked him if he was over me and he said yes. BUt she said that she wouldnt have asked if there wasn;t any reason to... so im like "hmmmm * raised eyebrow*


Any perspectives..?

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hey...i agree to some extent to wut u guys r saying....maybe u should move on but when i come to do it i just cant.....

me and my boyfriend had this relationship for 20months we broke up for 5 weeks and now we broke up again like 2 weeks ago...i called him today i dunno why and he told me he is leaving to angland in january and england is 7 hours away from where i live by PLANE!!!

i dont want him to go i want him to stay i know u guys will be like get over him but i tried the first time we broke up and it didnt work and im still tryin but it doesnt work...how can i at least convince him to stay...i sound pathetic...but i care about him soo much i love him...i really mean LOVE him....and the thought of not being with him hurts so much...it hurts now..so any suggestions....pls dont tell me to drop the case and move on...because he means everything to me..i know he loves me so any suggestions

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I read this entire post and I agree with the original post about not taking your ex back, I personaly think, especially after they started dating someone right after you - it's out of the question.


You can make some excuses "oh, she/he's just a rebound"...well, why are you making excuses for that? Do you really think if they had big LOVE for you in their hearts they'd go and sleep with somebody else right away?


Also, that post about why we shouldn't think about them not loving us - do you seriously think if your ex had love for you, he'd go around hurting you like that? when you love a person, you don't hurt him/her.


Just think about it, somebody broke up with you, then calling you to tell you about their new significant other, or they just don't want to do anything with you or whatever they do to hurt you even if it's an indirect way. So let's suppose you get back together (that happened to me before) - you live in a constant worry that this person can leave again, you can never enjoy your time together because after a week of ecstasy from knowing you're back together, your new issues arise "will he/she fall out of love with me again?"


Guess what, I took my ex back after he broke up with mand then came back saying he missed me.....well 6 months later (6 months of hell, actually) he brakes up with me again saying he never loved me, and will never love me. How about that?? I stopped calling, pleading, seeing him...Started dating people, lost weight, and guess who's back. He started calling me, asking me to come back, was brining flowers to my work, giving me presents. I said no, and you know what, 5 years later he came up to me at New Years party, he was there all alone.....and told me "you never loved me".....I laughed in his face and told him he was full of it...(I loved this guys more than anything, he was my first everything)

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