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Gratitude Journal

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jn...i'm grateful for you presence here...for bringing gratitude to the forefront.


Indeed. I find myself looking through the entries, thinking, "Me too! Me too!" about many of the things you celebrate, JN. I almost think if I started a journal like this, I'd be afraid of leaving anything out.


vampy...i'm grateful for your presence here...in so many ways. and not just here


Likewise, sleepy. Thank you for saying so.


It sounds like you had a really great moment of connection with your mom. You hardly ever speak of your parents and your interactions with them, so this is an interesting and unexpected glimpse. I'm glad you could share these sentiments and what seems to be closeness with her, and that she reciprocally affirmed you in the process.

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Gratitude therapy...I like that, ToV and I like your reflections on Gratitude. (I'd Rep you for that, but must spread my Reps around more.) It is a remedy for that dark place, or a Life Line that's available for pulling oneself out of darkness.


I've noticed that gratitude slows things down. It pauses my runaway train of thought. If I open to even a little gratitude it grows and feels so much bigger and fuller than that crazy train. It's subtle at first, and then it just IS.


The more I open to gratitude the less time I have for stressful thinking. (I'm not cured, but there's less time or space or need for it.)

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1) Happiness and joy shared


2) Kindred spirits


3) Diversity


4) Beautiful morning swims


5) Cherries!


6) Tasty greens in my garden


7) Electric service restored early morning on Tuesday, after electricity outage on Monday night (shortly after my reply to tiredofvampires)


8 ) No files were lost or damaged everything shut off without warning Tuesday night. (Although I did lose my reply to 90_hour_sleep...)


9) An excellent drawing class


10) Wrapping up several interesting projects


11) Good times ahead!!!


12) The Farmers' Market


13) Time off


14) Being my own boss


15) Connections


16) Tape (cellophane tape, duct tape, packing tape)


17) My DVD player


18 ) Great conversations


19) My floor


20) My Mocha Pot


21) Kindness


22) Breathing!

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“Life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it.” By practicing link removed and grace on a daily basis, we are able to turn the negative thoughts in our lives into positive action. We have complete control of the outcome of our day. There is no “right side of the bed”, or “bad days” – only what we do with the life that is presented before us. And that, my friends, is something to be grateful for.
(quoting link removed who's quoting Charles R Swindoll)


Here's a link to her article "How to Turn Negativity Into Grattitude."link removed


I agree with TofV that from the outside, discussions about gratitude might seem like New Age gospel, or appear to lack substance and reality. Pointing out to others what they could be grateful can miss the mark and even be off-putting.


Practicing gratitude, or experimenting with gratitude, is a different energy altogether. The rough edges of life become smoother, the day becomes brighter, and, if I let it happen, I feel on top of the world, rather than burdened by the weight of the world.

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1) This beautiful morning


2) The nearby ponds


3) Deer are not green like the foliage at the side of the road, so can be seen in time to slow down


4) These undulating back roads


5) Serendipity


6) Waking early


7) Having dryish firewood to stack and a woodshed to stack it in


8 ) People


9) I can help when needed

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If any one reads this, what are 3 things you are grateful for at this moment? I'm interested in what goes well with others here, so please feel free to post. Thanks!


Hey, I am grateful for your gratitude thread!


I used to have a gratitude journal when I was going through a divorce AND breast cancer at the same time... phew...


I am very very grateful that both of those issues are done.


I am also very grateful for my two wonderful sons that challenge me to be the very best mom/person I can be


Tonight I am grateful for:


A belated birthday dinner both of my sons made for me (ages 16 and 12...)


Some summer rain to nourish our earth




A wonderful but short walk today with a great friend and her happy dog...

Thanks for asking!

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  • 2 weeks later...

dear journeynow!


just found this thread of yours... what a great idea. how grounded you are!


what am i grateful for?


1. the deep friendships in my life

2. the abundance of summer... locally grown foods

3. my health

4. that i live in a democratic country

5. indian food

6. that i can see the moon and stars from my bed

7. the peaceful surroundings where i live

8. birdsong

9. CBC (our equivalent of NPR)

10. love



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  • 3 weeks later...

luminous, thanks for joining in! I'm glad you've made it here!



Hey, I am grateful for your gratitude thread!


I used to have a gratitude journal when I was going through a divorce AND breast cancer at the same time... phew...


I am very very grateful that both of those issues are done.


I am also very grateful for my two wonderful sons that challenge me to be the very best mom/person I can be


Tonight I am grateful for:


A belated birthday dinner both of my sons made for me (ages 16 and 12...)


Some summer rain to nourish our earth




A wonderful but short walk today with a great friend and her happy dog...

Thanks for asking!

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Hello twomonks! Good to see you! I enjoyed reading your gratitude list.


It's interesting, reading other's lists raises my own gratitude level.


dear journeynow!


just found this thread of yours... what a great idea. how grounded you are!


what am i grateful for?


1. the deep friendships in my life

2. the abundance of summer... locally grown foods

3. my health

4. that i live in a democratic country

5. indian food

6. that i can see the moon and stars from my bed

7. the peaceful surroundings where i live

8. birdsong

9. CBC (our equivalent of NPR)

10. love



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4 weeks of Amazing followed the 4 weeks of Gratitude. It's as if my life was amplified, and it was wonderful. Still is, but with less intensity.


Realization: gratitude does not gloss over things that need changing, but supplies the energy to move forward, and aids my focus.


To list 3 things or more each day that I am grateful for over the next 4 weeks . . .


I will once again list 3 things or more each day that I am grateful for over the next 4 weeks . . .

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1) breakfast (oatmeal, blueberries, soy milk, cinnamon in a glass bowl with a comfortable spoon)


2) my peaceful home


3) a day with friends and interests and sun and water and mist and walks and swimming and loons and laughter and art and discovery and kind words and connection and a starry chirpy night

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1) green beans from my garden


2) my sister's love and kindness


3) my silly cat


4) my canoeing companions


5) loons swimming around us this morning


6) good tasting gluten-free foods


7) my life


8 ) living in a democratic country


9) seeing my son unexpectedly


10) having time


11) love


12) being single at this point in my life

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