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Not sure what it means :((


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Hi everyone, apologies in advance for the essay following but I'm desperate and running out of time. I became really good friends with this guy in our little circle of friends. one night we and kissed (intensly)for quite a while lol! ( and I felt something, but didn't want to say anything too soon) didn't think too much of it but he wouldn't let me go when I was trying to leave, kept hugging me, me he never thought this would ever happen. The next day he started calling me bub in text messages, I didn't really respond the same way cause I wasn't sure what he thought was happening, and I wasn't even sure myself we started hooking up more, he was always contacting me wanting to hang out. Opening up to me about his family and life....after a while of this going on I had to go into hospital, the day before I went in and went to his house, he was cuddling me and comforting me, told me he'd always be there for me, that he wasnt going anywhere. We kissed on and off for a few hours he as stroking my face ( it was so cute). When I went to get off the bed he pulled me back down and wouldnt let me go. Eventually he walked me to my car hand in hand. When I got in I looked at him and said "we"ll talk about this when I get out out" and he smiled, kissed me and said ok. He never contacted me while I was in hospital. And after I got out he asked to see me. I can't tell you how awkward it was!!! he looked out the window the whole time hardly spoke when he did he was short. Eventually I told him to get out, coz i was tired and annoyed at him for being like that.The next day he texted me saying he was sorry for a being a ****head and I told him it was fine. He asked to see me that night, but after how he was I asked if we could just talk on the phone. When we spoke he was weird again, finally he said to me "that he doesn't want a relationship but if he did it would be with me" what does that mean? Did his friends get to him? I responded very casually pretending I wasn't hurt at all and said it was fine, we'd be friends and he agreed. But then he pushed the issue saying he never wanted to hurt me or break my heart, he knows how "in love" I am with him bla he's never been friends with and ex! (which technically i never was) So I snapped after being built to a point of being told how I was "feeling" and told him he's not that special, and I've been hanging out with other guys too...yea I know I should never have said that, but like I said, I snapped no excuses after that he changed got even more arrogant, told me we'll be friends. When we said good bye he said word for word "good bye my good friend" sarcastically I didn't respond the way he wanted me to sort of laughed it off and said I'll talk to him later. The next night I ran into our mutual circle of friends and he showed up too. Kissed everyone on the cheek hi, but Waved hi to me from accross the table, then a bunch of girls walked into the cafe,after making a big deal of them he grabbed 2 of the boys on the table and went and sat with girls inside. I pretended I didn't notice, didn't want to react in front of him, he then called one of the boys to get the waiter to bring his meal into him inside. Then he messaged me and asked the same thing. I was DUMBSTRUCK! I had never seen him be so rude, he had friends that were ***heads and when we were close I never understood how they could be friends until that moment. After he had finished with the girls he came back outside and sat on our table. 2 mins later said he had to go, said bye and drove off! The next day he messaged me asking what I was doing ( like nothing had happened) I called him and asked him why he wanted to know, he asked if I was upset, I said no...but after probing me to a point, I asked him if he really wanted to know what was wrong...he said yes so I told him, I was so shocked in the person he was lastnight, but i never told I saw him go somewhere with girls, just said he disappeared. And here's the clincher after arguing and saying a few choice words to each other he said "you're not my girlfriend, why do you care"...seriously my head is spinning what does this guy mean? I'm so confused! Did he realise he made the wrong decision or what? Ahhhh it feels terrible I wish I'd never fallen for him

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You messed up...he liked you and you blew him off and when he finally started being mean to you after you continued to blow you off, you were just mean back. Maybe you only like him because he doesn't like you anymore... I think you sound really young and I think you need to grow up a little bit before you worry about dating..If anything, pretend nothing happened and tell him you like him and that you think you two should start over. I'd normally say leave him alone...but he keeps contacting you so obviously he's still interested.

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