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How to act after no contact

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well my girlfriend and i broke up this time last year. we did the NC for about 8 months and decided to rekindle. there wasnt any expectations of a relationship but after some time we fell into relationship mode. I believe it was too soon and we spent unhealthy amounts of time together and thats why it failed. Im now proposing NC again. I realized when we restarted before, playing hard to get worked best in my favor but i caved shortly after a few weeks. i dont want this to happen again. I love this girl and i believe we can work if we would just stop jumping the gun and let it build. unfortunately shes a little hopeless and put me in the friend zone.


Yesterday i went to pick up my stuff from her apartment ( we havent put NC into affect yet). we hung out for a little bit, we cuddled a bit (one of her request that i know i shouldve denied). but i realized that i kind of got too flirty and she started backing off. im assuming i shouldnt have so soon. i left immediately to avoid anymore awkwardness.


how do i stand my ground and make her chase without being an * * * * * * * ? make it a inviting comfortable environment, but not too comfortable making the friendship appealing. i dont want her thinking i have other motives and im using the friendship to build something. I want her to see me at my best, and fall for me or at least see what shes giving up.


sometimes i feel like because this is our second attempt at NC my chances of getting her back are slimmer. will it play out like it did the first time, and ill be able to avoid caving in.

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You can't do anything to get her back! You need to just leave it alone. Walk away from it, rebuild yourself and move on. If she wants to find you she will... Nothing you can do can pursuede her to come back. We have all been here before. Just cut all contact with her. Its your best attempt for success in your own life.

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