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What did you learn of Love ? (Love Lessons)

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These are what I learnt :

1 :

One's love is measured by how much he gives, not how much he gets.



You don't know what you've got till its gone.



You will know it is TRUE LOVE when you cannot let a moment passed without remembering the first time you fell in love with her and now you are an old guy.



True love comes when you least expect it and goes when you least it .



Love's hapiness is a moment and its pain is a life time.



Love isn't Love until you give it away.



If you reach to your beloved thats not love anymore thats damny life.



Love! until it hurts. Real love is always painful and hurts,then it is real and pure



Don't hurt that heart which loves you and don't love that heart which hurts you.



The most important thing a father can do for

his children is to love their mother.



The best thing is a wet look that is passed of a Love Event.



Love is not a love when it not said



Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.



love is the only thing that doesnt want any reason



Love is a feeling you feel when you feel you are feeling a feeling you've never felt before.



Love teach you and you should pay your life and you beloved in return.



True love is the sacrificing of yourself to accommodate others and loving without expecting.



In the arithmetics of love 1+1 is INFINITE and 2-1 is ZERO



"You can give without loving ; but cannot love without giving " "A man gives love to get sex, A woman gives sex to get love " (Im not agree but most of men are like that)




God created Love as the only way for reaching to him and those who dont love wont reach to this truth

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"Love is given, and not asked for."


It's a feeling of compassion. It does not seek to hurt, or deceive anybody. If a person loves someone, they give gracefully & unselfishly. Their love is true & unconditional. It's difficult to run into someone who's 100% sincere about their intentions. But when you do run into that person, things will work out with least expectations. You won't have to question their integrity. They show you love without you having to ask. It's hard to run into people who you can honestly trust. It's almost that simple/unexplainable twist of fate that leads you into meeting the 'right' one. True love doesn't happen everyday...

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There's nothing in the world like being young and in love. It gives you the power to do things you would never have had the courage to do otherwise. It inspires you to make yourself vulnerable, put your heart on the line...To give more than you can give. To speak heart-felt sentiments you thought only existed in old books and flowery poetry. And it can make you forget everything except love itself. That one thing that makes life worth living. The object of your affection...Inspired by love, we can move mountains, make great changes, do great things. But we can also become so blinded by it that we forget everything, everyone. Even ourselves.

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Love is so powerful, it can barely be explained. Love gets confused a lot with lust. True Love is very rare and when its found, I don't say cling on, I say both live in the moment, be independent, and do your very best. Love is unconditional and unforgiving, its like the yin and yang symbol. Love is when you know your willing to sacrifice everything without hesitation. Love is like a fine wine, one sip and you are always thirsty for more.

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