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What's the point...?


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More and more, that seems to be my general outlook towards life, these days. I feel like I've been falling down some endless black hole, and before, I hoped I'd eventually stop and climb my way back out, but now I feel like why even bother? There's just so many aspects of my life I'm unhappy with. My entire family has pretty much turned their back on me, I'm too untrustworthy of people to bother having any kind of social life... I have no "passion" or "calling" in life, I'm aimlessly drifting through community college, I hate my part time job as a cashier...


It just doesn't seem like there's any upside, any "light at the end of the tunnel", something to look forward to. I always used to think this was just my transitional period in life, but it's been lasting longer and longer, and there's no end in sight. I see people around me moving forward with their lives, moving on to bigger and better things, and I can't stop wondering why I can't be doing the same. I can't even convince the managers at my current job to get me off register and do something else; I've been pushing for it for 2-3 years, now, yet they hire someone new or give first opportunity for the stuff I want to do to people who haven't worked there as long as I have, nor do they have the same level of experience I do. It's frustrating. I'm perpetually at the "back of the line". I'd quit if I didn't need the consistent income, and if I thought I could get a better job anywhere else.


I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. I'm glad the current semester of classes is almost over, but that just means more hours at work for the majority of the summer, so even that's not a short term "bright side". What's the point of it all? I have no family, no friends, no future, a job I hate... What's the upside in all this?

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I agree you should try to get a new job. If you've been there that long and they won't promote you, it's pointless to remain there besides for the paycheck. Did they ever say why they let other people learn other skills, but not you? I'm not saying it's your fault because sometimes bosses do play favourites unfairly, especially in small businesses.

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There is something in your thinking that is preventing you from attracting what you need - prob negatiivity like most of us.

You either accept your situation and change your thoughts to be okay with it - or change it. Either way you have a path of self work ahead. Start with reading some books on how to alter our perception of who we are and what life is about. Check out Neale Walshe, Wayne Dyer, .........

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I agree you should try to get a new job. If you've been there that long and they won't promote you, it's pointless to remain there besides for the paycheck. Did they ever say why they let other people learn other skills, but not you? I'm not saying it's your fault because sometimes bosses do play favourites unfairly, especially in small businesses.


Not specifically, no. When I bring it up, they'll either tell me they dn't have the budget for t, or they'll say I'm free to work extra on my days off (which, I'm not asking for MORE hours, just to do something else when I'm in). On the rare occasions when I'm not on register, they usually indicate that I do good work, and they sometimes have me... well, not "train", but sort of go over the stuff with the newer people. So, I don't really know what's up with that.

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Not specifically, no. When I bring it up, they'll either tell me they dn't have the budget for t, or they'll say I'm free to work extra on my days off (which, I'm not asking for MORE hours, just to do something else when I'm in). On the rare occasions when I'm not on register, they usually indicate that I do good work, and they sometimes have me... well, not "train", but sort of go over the stuff with the newer people. So, I don't really know what's up with that.


Yeah.. I don't know what's up with it either. Maybe they think since you've been working there so long you will ask for a raise if you learn more stuff, and a newer employee won't ask for a raise if they learn new things. Or maybe those other people who are given other jobs to do make a lot of mistakes on the register.

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My God, you are only 23 years old. The two thoughts that crossed my mind as I read your opening post was: why do people consider you untrustworthy? Yet, you are a cashier? Please explain more about that.

Also, you are looking at the world with blinders on. There is so much to the world besides the little world that you have created for yourself. You are in a rut. Let me explain how the word "rut" came about. In the old days farmers would grind the their mill with the use of 2 donkies that would go round and round in a circle and cause a large stone to grind the mill to separate the wheat from the shaft. Eventually, this constant going around and around causes a path and the path became a rut with time. You are in a rut, and you cannot see yourself out of it. Since you will earn more money this summer, why don't you save some so that you can take yourself out on a little trip and get a bright, new perspective on things. There is much more to life than the rut you are in, but only you can take yourself out of it. You need to expand your horizons and read about other peoples travels, experiences, and adventures to get a different outlook on life and perhaps it will light a spark within you. Think outside of the box. There is so much more to life than the life you are living, and in life there is always change. Do you know what the one thing is that never changes?...the answer is change. You are in charge of your destiny, so if you don't like the ways things are going it is up to you to determine what changes need to be done and then change them.

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Now that I'm not browsing on my phone, I can respond a bit more.


Nietzche would say you asking the question 'whats the point?' places you on the path to greatness...you think you smarter than Nietzche?


I'm... not sure I follow (in part, because I don't know who Nietzche is, but also because your post confuses me).


Yeah.. I don't know what's up with it either. Maybe they think since you've been working there so long you will ask for a raise if you learn more stuff, and a newer employee won't ask for a raise if they learn new things. Or maybe those other people who are given other jobs to do make a lot of mistakes on the register.


I dunno, technically, it's not really a "promotion", because everyone is kind of expected to be capable enough to run the register as well as work on the floor, as needed. I'm not sure about everyone else making mistakes at the register, as it seems like they get trained the basics so they know how to run the register, and then once they know that, they immediately jump to whatever department and start learning that area, basically only having to be back up cashiers, and occasionally work the odd cashier shift here and there. Honestly, I feel like I make more mistakes on register than I see others making, anyway (I mean, nothing severe, but still).


My God, you are only 23 years old. The two thoughts that crossed my mind as I read your opening post was: why do people consider you untrustworthy? Yet, you are a cashier? Please explain more about that.


I don't recall saying people consider me "untrustworthy". I, personally, have trust issues with people that keep me from opening up and developing friendships and intimate relationships with people, but I don't think the people around me would consider me "untrustworthy" at all.


As far as "being in a rut", perhaps, but... I've been there for so long, now. Probably about three years, going on four. I used to want it to stop, and to end, but I feel like I'm at a point where it just seems pointless to even fight it anymore. It's exhausting, and I really can't see things getting any better in the near future.


I understand that it's up to me to bring change for myself, and that no one here is going to be able to provide some magical answer that fixes all my problems, but I just can't seem to figure out how to get myself to do it. Considering I haven't been able to figure it out in over three years, I don't really know how to even expect that I might be able to do it in the future.

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I understand that it's up to me to bring change for myself, and that no one here is going to be able to provide some magical answer that fixes all my problems, but I just can't seem to figure out how to get myself to do it. Considering I haven't been able to figure it out in over three years, I don't really know how to even expect that I might be able to do it in the future.


Assess your situation and determine what changes that you need to make. Then implement a plan to make the changes and follow through with the plan. You need to find what you need to make yourself happy. chi













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I always find it amusing, when people with solveable problems say "whats the point".No friends.....make some, Family back turned.....make them turn around.And still at college too, so young so blind my friend, and i say blind in the sense that you cannot see what you already have.It is not friends and family who turn their backs, it is you.Stand up and make things happen, as someone so clearly pointed out life is full of set backs psssst push them down and walk over them.If you do not like who you are then you have not found yourself yet, a negative thought about yourself is your mind telling you this is not you! This is the selfish you.Who ever posted your message needs to get out of your mind and make way for better bigger brighter things.Have you lost a child? Diagnosed with a terminal illness? Lost your sight? Lost your limbs? No? Well come on then, you think you have a problem.

Do not tak what i am writing negatively, im not having a go, im trying to wake up the you that you should be man! Wake up dress differently, do your hair a new way make way for the new you.....good luck

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