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Getting over someone you cared for


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Hi, can you give some good advice on how to get over someone you really cared for? It's so hard cause I know if only I would of done things differently we would still be friend and everything. This person meant a lot to me, and it just really hurts knowing that I'll never see him again. It's not everyday you meet someone like the friend I had. I worked so hard to get to the where I got, and I just ended up made a fool of myself Thanks!

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How open is he with you now? Has he blocked you from his phone or facebook for instance?


If you feel that it's mostly your fault, and you have legit reasons for it, then the best thing you can do is accept what you've done and apply it to your future relationships. If you want to let him know, to make yourself feel better, then, email him your apology. And whatever happens from there, whether he responds negatively or positively, is outside your hands as you've done your part.


Besides that, all you can do is keep what's happened and mind and move on.

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Yeah that true. I did the stupidest thing the other night. I was on facebook and was messaging a friend and I had to copy and past something from the message conversation that I had with the guy I've been talking about. And I thought I was on my other friends messaging page and just sent him a message, but instead I was on my crushes page So I sent the message to HIM by accident I had no idea. This is what it said;



Hey! So yeah thanks so much for all that info I was really worried about getting lost, but it actually went pretty smoothly! I did actually as you said, lol! And it didn't rain


So about David. Yeah I was thinking the same thing! If he doesn't have the heart to contact me back then he's not really a friend after all. If only I could get him out of my mind though That's the hard part right now. I think about him all the time still. Oh, and here is the apology I wrote to him the other day;


Then I wrote this to him;

Oh my god! I wrote that message for a friend and posted it on your thing instead. I guess it's over now...


I am SO upset with myself... I don't think he'd ever want to talk to me again now. No he hasn't blocked me from everything, but I was so embarrassed that I deactivated my facebook account. It just went from bad to worse.

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