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Ahhhh.....saw my ex today (in the car)

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It was the most bizarre thing ever. I was pulling out of a gas station, trying to turn left. Traffic was a lil heavy in all lanes. Well, I crept out slowly when the traffic coming onward got the red light. After I turned and got situated in my spot at the light, I noticed his car was the first in line sitting in the opposite direction of me. In other words, when I crept out of the gas station, I pulled out right in front of him as he sat at the light!! And I pulled out very slowly, so chances are, he got a good look. His car was the first in line. I noticed that the car was silver when I pulled out of the GS, but I didn't see the plates until I got to my spot!!!


He totally had to see me. I was so nervous after that. Even though I had sunglasses on, I didn't want to look in his direction!!! I am happy that my hair looked fantastic though!!!


I'm over him and all, but it still made my day in a way!!

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I love when that happens. I ran into an ex I was over getting off the train from work one day. She was with the guy she left me for who is still jobless and has no education, and I was dressed in my suit and was feeling good. It is a great feeling and makes your day

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It was pretty sweet. But I am slightly concerned about "why" I was nervous when I saw him. I had the butterflies and all. It would NOT have made me feel sad if I saw another woman in the car with him. So I kinda feel like I've reached the indifference point, but if so, why did I get the butterflies???!!!

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It was pretty sweet. But I am slightly concerned about "why" I was nervous when I saw him. I had the butterflies and all. It would NOT have made me feel sad if I saw another woman in the car with him. So I kinda feel like I've reached the indifference point, but if so, why did I get the butterflies???!!!


I wouldn't worry about it meaning you have underlying feelings, it's just a weird situation isn't it? You spent so much time with this person, close to them, that seeing them in such a non personal way, so breifly is just ... odd. It's very odd. It's kinda like when you see anyone you're kinda estranged from though isn't it?


Like a friend you fell out with or a family member, I'd imagin it's a similar feeling.

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It was pretty sweet. But I am slightly concerned about "why" I was nervous when I saw him. I had the butterflies and all. It would NOT have made me feel sad if I saw another woman in the car with him. So I kinda feel like I've reached the indifference point, but if so, why did I get the butterflies???!!!


I'd say it was probably that you were concerned with how you looked and perceived by your ex. I'm guessing he dumped you? You definitely don't want the ex getting any reassurance that he made the 'right choice' in breaking up with you simply because you were having a bad hair day. You definitely want to make him second guess his decision by looking great. It's natural, even though you are over him. From how you tell the story, it sure sounds like you passed the test. Good for you.

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Haha this thread is funny because I feel similar when I see my ex at the gym...with him standing less than ten feet away. Its odd to see someone and ACT like they are not there, but it's my reality at the moment. Not sure if he is surprised I have that much self control, but it's empowering. I understand why you feel butterflies. That sort of stuff doesn't stop over night...but if you see him often enough they will go away. It's probably because it was a chance encounter you weren't expecting. Just be cool if you run into him, don't let him know you feel butterflies....just be cool and nonchalant.

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