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Bad Timing


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So this guy wants to hang out with me, but I am always busy (or last time my mom said well have him come by tomorrow) when he isn't busy and asks to hang out. Then when I am not busy and I ask what he is doing for the day and if we can hang out he says "not sure, I don't know yet". It was 3 in the afternoon, I will check again at 5 and tell him well maybe another day if he still isn't sure about whether he will be busy or not...what is your opinion of this and what things should I be careful of in a future relationship with him? Do you think he is just trying to make things more serious by procrastinating so that it will be night time when he takes me out? We have already confessed our feelings for each other but I haven't seen him in a while so we are still kind of on friend basis in talking.

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Well, it's hard to say from my perspective. Perhaps he thought you were dodging his invitations to hang out in the past since you said you're always busy. Or maybe he simply doesn't know yet what he's doing at 3pm and that's why he said it.


Why not just say "Do you want to hang out tonight?" That should get you a yes/no answer. If he says "I don't know.." then he doesn't seem too keen to meet. However, this could be just a one-time thing so give him the benefit of the doubt. If he continues to seem vague with his answers and stops asking you to hang out, then there's your answer.


Right now I'd say just be more direct with your requests to hang out, if he gives you the run-around then take it for what its worth.

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You said at the beginning of your post that you are always busy when he wants to hang out. Have you turned his invitations to hang out down a lot? If so then he might feel you are being a bit controlling by only wanting to hang out when you decide and just expecting him to be free whenever you fancy. Perhaps just tell him to let you know when hes next free and try and find some time in your busy schedule for him.

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