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When I show my face to the outside world

I wear a mask,

So no one can see the true me.


My mask, it is multi-faceted

It smiles for me when I cannot smile

It laughs for me when all I want to do is cry

It shields my inner self from this unbearable pain


When you see my mask

It fools you into believing that I am a happy soul

That I am enjoying my life, my existence

As my heart is being ripped to shreds


My mask is my sword and my shield

My help when I am not feeling strong

My way of protecting myself

My way of making it through


So if you see me today

Smiling brightly and acting as if I don’t have a care

Don’t be fooled.

It’s only my mask.

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Everyone has a mask my dear, but at the end of the day, the only person your lying too is yourself. And I know that I don't need to elaborate, but I Think you need to find that bright light in ur life and fixate on it, and Sometimes it's dim, but it's there, and it's only up to you if you choose to Go towards it instead of remaining in the dark..

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I found that when i wear a mask, the world seems fake, not me,

but when i take a quick look out i see reality.

The world can be a painful place that tears your soul apart,

And other times you just want to give someone your heart,

But i wore my mask too long and it's become a part of me...

A reflex, my instinct, i show people what they want to see,

And when the only person i showed my face stabbed me in the back,

The mask that i wore became unhappy and cracked.

Now i can't tell my intentions from those of my mask,

and most of the time, i'm too afraid to ask.

It's easier to be the mask to block out all the sorrow,

but i think i would rather take of that mask and see my real tomorrow.

My mask has craked and the cracks have spread and soon the world shall see,

Exactly who i am, not my mask, the one, the only, me.

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Seeing the poem a strange thought came to my mind,

Can the mask tear itself

Yes we all wear mask, yes we are the mask,

but when there is understanding of the mask,

Can the mask tear itself...


Its not your fault to wear the mask,

its our collective conditioning of thousands of years

its our habit, our protection, our security,

its not ourselves anymore operating, its the mask,

but having understood all this, Can the mask tear itself


One has never realized the true self, what one can see is only the mask operating,

how does one see it operating, in relationships its visible, in its reactions its visible,

the observation of the mask without the interpretations of the mask will bring understanding

Understanding of the self, understanding of the mask, the self is the mask...

but having thus understood all this, can the mask tear itself..

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Seeing the poem a strange thought came to my mind,

Can the mask tear itself

Yes we all wear mask, yes we are the mask,

but when there is understanding of the mask,

Can the mask tear itself...


Its not your fault to wear the mask,

its our collective conditioning of thousands of years

its our habit, our protection, our security,

its not ourselves anymore operating, its the mask,

but having understood all this, Can the mask tear itself


One has never realized the true self, what one can see is only the mask operating,

how does one see it operating, in relationships its visible, in its reactions its visible,

the observation of the mask without the interpretations of the mask will bring understanding

Understanding of the self, understanding of the mask, the self is the mask...

but having thus understood all this, can the mask tear itself..


Yes it can, the mask can be made of many different materials, such as satin, felt, plastic, wood or ceramic.

It materials can tear to due wear and tear, the cilmate, or the lack of care needed in handling it.

Or the mask has completed it task and must be removed.

The mask may act as a barrier from the world, but the world is wise and can see well beyond the mask.

The mask is either a very good or very poor likeness of ourselves which we with the propel forward.

We are the wearers of the masks some good some bad....masks do not fall far from the character of the wearer and they are what the wearers wish to have revealed about themselves.

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Yes it can, the mask can be made of many different materials, such as satin, felt, plastic, wood or ceramic.

It materials can tear to due wear and tear, the cilmate, or the lack of care needed in handling it.

Or the mask has completed it task and must be removed.

The mask may act as a barrier from the world, but the world is wise and can see well beyond the mask.

The mask is either a very good or very poor likeness of ourselves which we with the propel forward.

We are the wearers of the masks some good some bad....masks do not fall far from the character of the wearer and they are what the wearers wish to have revealed about themselves.


The wearer is the mask. Sometimes the wearer may think that he is having a mask apart from himself. That's the result of one fragment of wearer seperating itself from the other fragments and thinking that the other fragments are the mask which he is putting on. Its actually all the fragments which form the wearer, forms the mask.

When the mask falls apart and so is the wearer then that shines which is eternal reality.

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In a simple language, what we think we are, is just an image we have created about ourselves. From our childhood to our death we are creating images of each other all the time. The images are based on the past deeds. Our past experiences, opinions, various thoughts, the things that we consider that belong to us..all of it forms an image of ourselves. Now these images are interacting with each other all the time. This is what is happening in every relationship. A guy meets a girl, see her for the first time and immediately starts forming an image about her. Once they have explored each others fully, the images starts interacting instead of the real one's and therefore the relationship becomes stale. There is no freshness. In all our interactions we actually not listening to other one, what we are listening to is distorted by our image of that person. Even when we look at a simple object such as a tree, we are looking at through all the knowledge that we have gathered about the tree and therefore we are not looking at all.

This image is the real mask pretending to be ourselves. The question is, can i look at everything that i see without an image or a label, can i look at things without thought interfering, can i look at myself without an image, can i look at others without any images.

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