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ok quickly, i was living with this great girl for 3 years and dating her for 4, we broke up about 2 months ago, because she needed "space" and time to be single, for the first month we just got into arguments, now for the last month we have been talking great and better than ever and spending hours upon hours on the phone and we have told each other we never felt closer to each other, she is seeing this other guy on a pretty regular basis but continues to call me and we act like more than just friends and when we hang out (about twice a week), no funny stuff goes even though i get the feeling that she is open to it, she called me just now at work and wants to hang tonite, she suggested just getting a movie and hanging out at my house, i know it is all better when you dont expect anything, but what do you people think i should read into this and what do u think might happen if i make a move, i do not want to mess things up farther beyond the point of reconciliation cause that is what i want with her


any tips on what movies to rent and how i should act and what i should do???? please advice quickly

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Just happen to have a porno sitting out in plain view and see what she does... if your single now she will understand why you have a vid... and she might just pop it in to hint towards what she wants

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um yeah no porno..


...i say play it sweet because she is kindof testing u on a limb by having the other guy around. u want to show her your NOT jealous/ sick OR desperate. your a cool confident guy who will show her a fun relaxing evening without any pressure. i suggest letting her make the moves and being encouranging if anything ....

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Hi camelndump,


Thank you for coming back to us with your update. It's nice to hear from you again. What I read in all this? In situations like this, I always look at the facts. Obviously she'd like to rent a movie and watch a movie at your place.


What happens after that? Hmm.. how about a good conversation about where you stand and what is going to happen? How about asking her how she feels now and over you? I think that would be a good idea to start with. It looks like that you're still interested in her, so go for it!


Unfortunately I can't recommend you a movie. America is so far ahead of us in movies, that it's not even funny anymore. For example the movie "Kangaroo Jack" is coming soon to our theatres. I believe you already have that out on DVD... *grins*. Do you know what type of movies she likes? I would pick one of that category.


I wish you good luck and lots of fun!


~ SwingFox ~

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