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Kinda a question for the girls, but guys can input too.

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If you really like a girl and want to make a drastic move would it be to fast or to pushy to grab her around the waist, look into her eyes and tell her how you feel about her then lay one on her.. Ive been thinking about this for a while because an older girl told me that might be a good thing to do to get a girls attention, I would do it but i dont wanna be forceful or anything. How would it make you feel girls? Thx

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I think it's great and sweet that you would do anything to make this girl know how you feel ..first of al you need to find out what kind of girl she is..girls arn't the same(thank god), some girls love guys who show-off and act all macho..and some girls like guys who are basically gentlemen 8) ..you need to find out what kind of person she is and work from there..if she's a real individual with a strong personality and deep thoughts, I would definetly advise you to talk to her about stuff you both have in common..and believe it or not..girls fall for guys so much faster when they know they have many things in common ...and if she's the ditzy type I'd advise you to stay away from her because she will probably leave you for someone else for a stupid reason ..besides you don't want to waste your time with someone so shallow, when you can really connect with someone..and who knows..that perons might be your soulmate!


I know that you think that your crush on her is drving you crazy and she's on your mind 24/7,and you just wanna let her know..but always think with logic..and never with passion ..so if you really want this girl..try showing her you have lots in common and believe me..if she is interested at all..she will fall for you in no time!

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I know her very well. For over 4 years, Ive spent hours talking to her and know shes an open person. Shes my best friend, I just dont know what to do. What I said in my post is what I want to do. To show her I'm serious, and that I wanna be more than best friends. Im really confident in myself and would love to do this but I dont know If this would shock her too much or what. I'm also thinking of doing this at the beach. Shes never seen the ocean before and has never got to travel. She wants to be a photographer but hasnt went to school for it. Shes working a minimum wage job so it kinda sux. Well hope that helps, a little more info.

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Why not just ask her to coffee or a walk someday and start off the subject by asking her something like, "have you ever seen us dating?" Or you could do the c_cky//funny thing like when she touches your arm...just look at your arm, look at her, look at your arm, then look at her and smile.

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I don't know man. Since you've known her for 4 years, I presume that the two of you are comfortable with each other right? I've been in your boat before. It's not hard to shift the nature of your relationship so long as you know what you are doing and act like you do. You've probably thought about if you are going to do this and it doesn't work out, you may have a mess on your hands right? Is having her in the way you want her worth risking your friendship? Believe me when I say that friendship after love is very very difficult. Writing her a poem or a letter to tell her how you feel is not a good idea. And definitely grabbing her and laying one on her is not a good one either. I don't know how she would react and you don't know how she will react so don't do it. The best advice that I can give you that may sound a bit cliche is to be honest with her. In my experience, nothing gets to a woman than a man who is honest with her. They are very responsive to honesty and because you are being honest, you're not trying to hide anything and not trying to sound good so you'll sound genuine and you will further appreciate you for it. Honest guys come far and few so just be honest with her. Don't randomly kiss her or write her a poem or letter. This is something that you want to do in person. Just be honest! Say something to the effect of " her name... Listen we've been friends for so long and I just want you to know that I really like you. I think we should be more than friends. (That's what you're thinking right? let her know what you're thinking) If you're comfortable with this than I think we should go for it. But if not, then just tell me that we should just be friends. I will still be attracted to you but at least you will know that I am. What do you think?" This gets your message out there without beating around the bush. It's tiring and often gets you tongue tied. and it gives her the choice of whether or not to comply. If she likes the idea, great man, if not, then you still have your friendship intact and since there is nothing to hide anymore, you two may be even better friends which is good. She may not want a relationship right now but that opens up doors for the future. So think long term and think honestly. Trust me it works, just be honest and keep on being honest. It makes you a real person and real people just are more magnetic than fake people ya know? Good luck man.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha I really like what cabralsoth had to say. I think you should do it. It will surprise her, and don't apologize if she has a mad look. just smirk and laugh. Tell her she was just really hot and that you couldn't help it. You're doing two things here, you're telling her that you've got enough balls to do something like that and that your spontaneous and fun and girls love that. Plus saying that she's hot and that you couldn't help it also flatters her and everyone loves flattery in moderation. Since you've known her so long, the worst that could happen is that she hits you back (playfully... good... if she tries to knock you out... bad) she may even pinch your butt back and that is a gesture of good ahead.... flirt with me. So flirt away.

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Let me think

Go for a sunset walk together then at some point grab her hand and moving close to her face bring the hand up as if to kiss it and say something like


"Hmmm I can't decide weather to hold your hand as a friend for another 4 years or to kiss you as my girl friend for the rest..."


Then without completing the sentence lean in a little bit more and tilt your head as if to kiss her on the lips, pull back and kiss her hand as if it was her lips for like 5 or 10 secs.


Evaluate the reaction and follow the flow.

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  • 1 month later...

Grabbing her butt is an iffy situation. If shes the kind of girl who likes that male domination stuff then youve probably got a real good chance of not getting knocked out. Otherwise I wouldn't try it. If my BF did i personally wouldn't mind. I might even like it. But ifmy friend did it, that may be the end of a beautiful friendship.

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  • 4 months later...

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