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Help/input needed. My ex broke NC and I don't understand why he sent me this?

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Last night shortly before midnight I heard my phone chime on my nightstand and I looked over with sleepy eyes and I thought it was my ex. I did a double take and really woke up and sure enough he broke NC after he told me it would be best if we don't speak to each other on 4/04.

He sent a text message saying the he's going to send me my hair straightener (we were long distance, 8 hours by car and 1 hour by plane) as well as the money he got from selling jewelry I gave him and asked if I wanted the rest of the jewelry back or if he should hang on to it until it sells. I was completely dumb founded by this. I've wondered a lot what he's doing and thinkin and what he's done with the things I gave him, especially a scrapbook I made him, but sellin it never even crossed my mind.

A week after our break up I sent him a package with items that I had bought for his condo (picture frame, shower head, etc) but had not had a chance to give to him before the break up. After he received it he texted me sayin that I could have returned all those items and shouldn't have sent them and that he will be shipping me all of the gifts I had given him. At that time I told him that gifts are gifts and I don't want them back and that everything I gave him is for him to keep.

So why this now?! Why did he text me about this?!

I didn't reply last night an tried to sleep....just a few minutes ago I responded and told him that I had already told him gifts are gifts and to keep the gifts and money if he sells them and that I don't need my spare hair straightener back and that I wouldn't want him to waste his time or money on sending it back.



Why did he send me that? Did he want to see how I'd react? Or was he trying to make it clear that he's getting rid of all traces of me? I don't understand.

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Gee I would have taken the money. It was a business venture and he was making good on the agreement. He was only contacting you to settle up property. I would have said for him to mail it to you and if he did he did, and if he didn't he didn't.. He was just trying to do the righ tthing.


BTW, sending him gifts after you broke up was a sure way to ensure he had to contact you, no?

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