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Hey, i have a problem (i think)


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I am a 14 years old and i used to go down on a girl every day in the summer usally a differnt one (not proud of). now school is in the way (thank god) and i dont do it anymore as often. only on weekends. i had sex numerous of times (which im not proud of agian). how do i tell them i dont wanna do it anymore? just say no? im not really good at these things. any advice?

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Have you ever heard of the D.A.R.E. program? lol. JUST SAY NO! If they have a problem with it, then it's their problem. Safety is the key here. You shouldn't be partaking in so much sexual activity at your age anyway. I don't think a 14 year old is ready to be a father. Do you? And I really wouldn't want to catch an STD at your age either. Actually I would NEVER want to catch an STD. Who would? lol. Think about it. JUST SAY NO!

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