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OK, I'm 19 years of age, and I have had some terrible relationships with blokes. However, I still look at blokes, but recently, I have been thinking about girls too. You know, I'm sort of wondering what it would be like to be with a girl and not a guy.


Anyway, I don't think I am bisexual, but it is crossing my mind every second. Is it even possible to turn from completely straight to bisexual in a matter of hours?


I mean, I have a bisexual friend in Australia, and she asked me the question "who would you turn gay for?" and I said that I didn't know, but it has crossed my mind.


So, I was wondering...what am I? I'm so confused on my sexuality now...



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I really don't think you can turn bi sexual in a few hrs. I think you are curious about being with the same sex but that doesn't mean you have gone from heterosexual to bi sexual just like that.


Lots of teenagers (boys and girls) a like have the same feelings. It is really quite common for you to have these feelings. You are at an age where you are experiencing your sexuality and people do that in all different kind of ways.


I know this probably don't help you much but I just wanted to let you know there is noting wrong with what you are going through.

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Anyway, I don't think I am bisexual, but it is crossing my mind every second. Is it even possible to turn from completely straight to bisexual in a matter of hours?
If it's crossing your mind every second, then my inclination would be that you probably are bi.


However, if you honestly have not had same sex attraction before now, maybe not. Who knows.


I guess that's why they made the expression bi / curious. It's non-commital.


I certainly wouldn't worry about it. So what if you are? What are your concerns?

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Well, the thought of being with the same sex has always been on my mind...as far as I can remember.


I have no problems if I find out that I am. It's just, telling others that sort of bothers me. I mean, my parents aren't exactly over keen on gays/lesbians/bisexuals. I don't know why, but meh...


I have no idea why I feel like this. I have had so much trouble from men in the past that I would like to know what it is like to be treated by a person of the same sex. I have kissed a girl before (tongues and everything) and I enjoyed it - a lot more than I have kissed a bloke.


My only trouble is meeting people who are also bi (or bi-curious). I don't know where to begin because it's something I wouldn't usually do...

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