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Just met my SO after 2 years of talking, miss her more than anything :upset:

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I recently saw my girlfriend for the first time a week ago. She lives in California and im from New York. We're both 18 and so in love with each other that there is no other option than to stick this out to the end. Before seeing her I would get upset maybe every once a while but now since I left it's an everyday occurrence. There's not a second where im not thinking about how things were when we together. I miss her more than anything in the world and this whole thing has gotten me so upset in the past week. We've been talking for a total of two years and have been serious for about a year. We're planning on seeing each other again in around 2 months for summer, its just hard for me to look forward to that until the actual plane ticket is bought. I really need some advice on how to cope with this sadness and depression, this is the hardest thing i've ever went though in my life and being upset like this i know is not good for me.

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I know exactly what you are going through its called PVD (post visit depression) it's only been a week, but it will get easier even if it doesn't feel like it now. I know you also might feel 2 months is a long time away too but it really isn't. I haven't seen my SO since september, 6 months and the longest we have went without seeing each other is 16 months.


It sucks this feeling, you said you will both stick it out till the end. Is there an end in sight do you have a date where the distance will end?

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I know exactly what you are going through its called PVD (post visit depression) it's only been a week, but it will get easier even if it doesn't feel like it now. I know you also might feel 2 months is a long time away too but it really isn't. I haven't seen my SO since september, 6 months and the longest we have went without seeing each other is 16 months.


It sucks this feeling, you said you will both stick it out till the end. Is there an end in sight do you have a date where the distance will end?


Yeah in about a year and a half she's is hopefully going to school in nyc and ill be in buffalo for school so the distance will become a lot shorter and we'd be able to see each other a lot more often. I really appreciate your help and advice!

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