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Ex already moved on..?


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to make it long story short, broke up with girlfriend last thrusday and today i find out that she's already in another relationship. She told me she loved me, but now it's got me thinking whether she actually did or not..? She seemed to have no problem saying goodbye to me and getting with another person, so i don't know.

As the NC continues, i've been trying to tell myself that she wasn't worth it (numerous reasons for that one) and that i shouldn't be crying over her. I mean i know it's normal and all to be crying over a break up. As much as i probably need to stop thinking about her, it seems impossible.


It's like she just wanted a relationship to tell people she had one and not be single. I'm happy be single,...besides i really need to sort out my problemms before i go back into any sort of relationship. And yes i know there are more fish in the sea as I'm only 15 but sometimes there is just more meaning to a person that what someone else thinks.


I'm so confused and so hurt. Espeically just after being played by another person. (kinda connects with ex, but trust me, it's complicated to the point where i can't even figure it out) I don't know what to do. What to think of anything.


I just don't know where this is all taking me...i want to know,..but i have a feeling i need to figure that one out for myself.

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I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. Going through something similar with my ex so really understand your pain and what you are going through.


I wish I had an answer that would make you feel better but the fact you keep reminding yourself that she wasn't worth it is a really good start. She certainly doesn't sound like a nice person and you definitely deserve better if that's the case. It is ALWAYS really painful to see an ex move on especially when you still have feelings for them and they moved on so quick yet claimed to have feelings for you. So you are well within your right to feel hurt and confused. It says alot about their character though, doesn't it? I'm not sure how to get past this one or what advice to give you (as if I had that, I'd be following it too!).


*hugs* Hope you feel better soon.

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tabby at the end of the day your ex is pregnant and lives in America and you live in oz ..I know it hurts , but in reality I have

a feeling in the long run your feelings have been spared even more drama. I am not trying to belittle your feelings at all , and I know

you love her , but still.. you where walking along a mine field been in a huge long distance relationship with a pregnant girl.


this pain will pass .


and your right , there are many many things that are for you and you alone to figure out ..I agree , I have also been figuring stuff out as well , it helps to talk it through but at the end of the day , we still have to figure it out .


tabby it is really nice hearing you say that you know ..good for you ...there is some fight in you yet my darling.

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