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How do I prove to her I'm not a dork?

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Allright, theres this girl i go to school with, and i can't get her off my mind! Last year twards the end of the year, i took her to the movies, went to her party, and then this year, she seems to act like i wasen't there. Last year she sat next to me every day on the bus. But now all i get is an ocasual glance from her in class. In her aim profile, she has a test, and it says who do i like and the answer is matt, but i don't really know of any matt in your school. I want to get things back they way they were!!! One of my friends was talking to her and she thinks im a nice guy, but that im a dork. How do i prove that im not a dork, but a guy she wants to be with? I really like her. And i can't see her with anyone, she makes no attemts to get a boyfirend, only one guy, but he knows that i want her, and doesen't steal people girls. HELP ME OUT PLEASE.

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If you both had a good time, and she suddenly did a 180 and changed her mind, you may never know the answer. We really don't know what goes through people's minds. I have to say, it was uncalled for on her part to call you a dork, whatever her opinion is. It's just unclassy to call someone names who has taken you out on a date and was a gentleman and went out of his way to provide a good time.


So, I think you could find someone much more well-mannered, and open to dating you. It does sting a bit when we hear someone we liked call us a derogatory name. Try to understand that kind of behavior is a truer reflection of her capacity for rudeness - and is not a valid or even accurate description of who you are.


So rock on with your bad self!

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Girls change their minds. One minute they are into you, the next they aren't. One minute you disgust them, then they are maddly in love with you. Don't worry about it. It's nothing you did or didn't do, she just had a whole summer to change her tastes and change her mind.

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I used to play a lot of computer.. but then suddenly through a girl friend i met my ex.. it happened by talking to her online and meeting her when partying.. a great way of dropping the computer games is to become siocially active... but still dont give up all your hobbies.. It isnøt u who has to change.. U are as u are, and thats fine enough!

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I think you should talk to her, but if she thinks ur like that, then she isnt really worth ur time, cuz u shouldnt have to change for n e one and they should just like u for u, you dont wanna be w/ some one who is tryin to make u be this way and u go through the rest of ur life actin like that when it really isnt you, find out who are and if she doesnt like you for you, DONT WASTE UR TIME

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