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What's up with that?

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My boyfriend says he likes me but doesn't want to talk to me right now, so every time we talk, he's always being mean to me. He says that I did something to cause him to react like that, only I didn't cheat or do anything bad that I know of.... If he really liked me, or even maybe loved me, would he be doing this to me? Or is this just a sign that our relationship is dead? Please help! I don't understand him anymore!

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Well, it's not helpful that he says you do things to upset him, but refuses to tell you what. I hope he realizes that a relationship between two people who are 25 years old needs to have a little more mature communication than that. There's not much you can do to get him to talk, it's up to him to tell you what he's upset about.


If this is a persistent problem, I don't predict a happy future for your relationship. No healthy relationship can survive without open communication and respect for each other's feelings. And you do want to be in a healthy relationship, I presume.

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Hi there,

You know something, the way he is reacting is actually childish. I don't know what you did and neither do you and the fact that he won't even discuss it now leads me to believe that he kind of wants you to worry for awhile--while he keeps some kind of "upper hand" or "power."


Let him be. If he wants to be mad then so be it. You just go about your business the best you can. Once he sees that you are no longer bugging him to talk or calling him then he will worry and come looking for you.


He needs to learn, and you need to show him, that if he is going to act this way then you don't want any part of it. When he is ready to talk it is then that you will listen-and it is then that any problem will be resolved.


Don't call him. Don't look for him. He will come around.



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