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higher power?... what do you think

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I was raised the christian way but I'm not going to do the typical christian thing and try to convert you or anything because I've literally been around the world and know too many things about other religions and know it's best to keep an open mind than a judgemental one.


I agree with you that there is a higher power of some sort guiding you and helping you along. I personally think there's too many religions and faiths out there in the world to think otherwise. Most of them are focused around some creative/destructive entity/ies or source/s that has/have the power to influence your own personal life in some way. I personally like to think of this entity more as a creative entity rather than a destructive one because if you think of it as a creative entity- there are more things that are possible and longer-lived than impossible or short-lived.


I like to think that something out there is waiting for my participation and contribution to help it create even more possibilities (hopefully in a positive way)- not only in my own personal life but in other people's lives as well. When you influence another persons life- even if it's just a smile as you pass them in the mall-you're helping the creative entity create not only your own living, social environment- but also another person's.


So how do you want to live? How do you want to participate and contribute to create your world experience as well as other people's world experience? I believe the creative entity created all of us to serve a purpose, it may be to discover something ground breaking, or to simply make every day life more enjoyable for you and for others experiencing you in their lives.


Both are admirable purposes in my book. Life takes on a whole new meaning and seems a lot more manageable and possible when you believe in a higher power. I'm glad you believe in one...

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In my humble opinion,



This higher power does exist. I think it is the complex interplay of events,chance and the interaction of humans. You know all these things like, "what goes around comes around" e.t.c. Well, the interaction of human beings, their actions, sounds, words mixed with chance, physics all combines to form an entity of it's own. It's like if you were to spray a thousand perfumes in the same spot in the room, it would create a new one.


Who ever can figure out the equation (there probably is a mathematical one), can figure out what this higher power is. How it operates. And I guess, how it can be overcome..


Make sense?

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Who can unravel the secrets of creation?


I do not believe in the conceptual god, but perhaps in the figurative one. Any creator being would appear to take an inactive approach to our existence. It does not tamper with our reality, but is most certainly beneath the fabric of it.


There is a force undeniable in this world, yet it is a force which does not control or influence our plausible destiny. Sometimes, if I listen to the silence within myself and the silence of the world around me a profound sense of peace speaks to me. What that means, I do not know.


However, tonight it is too late for me to philosophise.

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Well I believe in God but I also believe there's another powerful force at work at the moment which is really trying to destroy me.


God and I don't exactly get on anymore - I gave up on his help when I realised that there were so many things going wrong in my life, a real caring God wouldn't allow it to happen to anyone.


Thats all I have to say



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All I can say about the struggles and strife people experience in their lifetime is that by going through struggle and tribulation, one develops character and strength, and if anything- that is why the creative force or God allows such things to occur in our world. I believe also, besides famine and natural disasters that cause innocent casualties that many people die and suffer out of their own folly or other people's maliciousness and will to be destructive (drug and alcohol abuse, rape, child abuse, etcetc.) There is a sense of human victimology and the loss of power over the outcome of our lives that keeps some from thriving. Afterall it is easier to blame others for the suffering we experience rather than accept our own responsibility in our experiences. I'm not immune to this... every human can feel this way. I always find myself blaming the other person before I step back and realize I have power in how I experience my life.... but blaming another person has always been my immediate reaction.


I was a victim of child abuse for several years and I too thought I lost faith in God or whatever power was out there... I kept praying for God to deliver me into safety and protect me... but it went on for 4 years. For another decade after that I proclaimed myself agnostic and didn't have faith in a christian god. It wasn't until 2 years ago I rediscovered my faith in a creative source and accepted what I had experienced as a child. Afterall, that experience created the strong person I am today.


I'm simply saying it is sad that there is struggle and hatred and the sense of powerlessness and victimization in our world, but I believe that it is present in our world for a reason-that it was created (like everything else was created) for a reason and a purpose- but what that reason is, is open to interpretation.

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