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I was doing great. NC for a few weeks. Blocked her number from my phone and fb then like a total knucklehead I unblocked and called. She didn't pick up. I didn't leave a message. I sent a text just saying something casual. * * * is wrong with me. There was no need for that behavior. I just had this compulsion to touch base. 6 plus years is a long time to just let go. But then again she is "talking" to someone else. Well at least I don't feel miserable. I'm looking forward to a vacation I'm taking next month, have been taking better care of my health, losing weight, meeting some new people and trying to keep moving. I don't know why I had to just 'relapse' and reach out like that. Yes of course I still have feelings for her. Probably always will in some regard. I think it is harder maybe when you are a little older 40+. Ah well...... Happy weekend everyone!

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It happens. Six years eh? Wow. No judgement but that is a long time, she must have been very special to you in many ways. Don't beat yourself up, you made contact it and it didn't work out the way you thought. Though it sounds like you resolved it and are on your way to something better. I don't know about the 40 plus insight but heartache is still heartache. Good hunting my friend.

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Man dont feel bad, its natural for the neurons in our brains to connect old mems and so on. So what you called her to say hi or whatever. I know 6 years is a long ass time. I just got dumped after 6.5 years also. I find some women can really be ruthless and unrational. I wouldnt feel bad about the call, its natural I would just brush it off and be like whatever! shes probably tried calling you and saw that your number was blocked and now that your calling her shes not answering. childplay! Check out my story and thanks and stay strong: )

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yeah, we are all only human right? Sometimes it is a little just easier to go with an impulse and get it over with than fuss and fight yourself over it. It is good to see so many decent, sane people on this site. All of this breaking up stuff seems to be an unfortunate part of life. There are a small few I suppose who find a true love and stay together till death do us part. Small, small minority I believe. It takes a mature person to really make a commitment and stick with it and see the value in it. I think the majority are incapable of making that kind of commitment or even see the value in it these days. Ok....getting off the soap box

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Don't be hard on yourself. Same thing...4 year relationship, brok in October...she was very, very bad to me and for me in several ways but, dang...still missed her (and her kids).


So try to get in touch with her after XMAS and stipped by her house to say "hello". She was not home, but neighbot saw me, told her, and she immediately send mea nasty gram text AND called the police and said I was stalking her! A bit of an overreaction is all that I could say...it was the only time I attempted to get in touch with her.


She actually did me a favor. I have been tempted to call a few times since then, but no friggin way am I going to deal with police or any of that stuff. But you miss them..even though she pulled that, I sure do miss her in a lot of ways, and the womans kiss and touch...well, they got me to a different place. But you jsut have to cut it...time will heal, as it does all wounds. Altough I do agree that is is tougher once you get older; I just turned 50. You miss them and, unlike when you are young, may be thinking "hey, I'll neve get someone like this again (or at least certain aspects of her). Good luck and hang in there.

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Looks like alot of us are in the "6 year club ".


I envy you guys - at least you had some form of contact- good or bad.


I have been in NC for 50 straight days as of tomorrow 2/26/2012.


She will NEVER contact me, she is practically a robot and has flipped her switch - i no longer exist.


Slip- ups will happen sadpup - just don't let it happen again.....stay strong and read the posts here on why contacting you ex is a bad idea.


For those of us in very LTR, like 3 + years or more....the first couple of months away are nothing for them - they are in their own version of the "honeymoon phase" - their new found freedom is filling them with all the highs of that "new life" they were planning while detaching from us.


Continue to only think about yourself right now , continue to do all the things you were doing before you made that call.....and re-block/delete that phone#!

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