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i mean, it's ok, right? i mean, i love him...

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hi everybody, i have a question.. just your opinions


i'm 13, but there a guy i know, and we're really close and everything, since like forever, since i was born almost. and i like him a lot, but he's 45 almost. anyway, he says he really likes me, and that's its ok for us to be together, that i'm really mature, like a woman in a girls bodie, and i believe him, cause that's just what it feels like with him. but i'm worried that cause there's such a big diference in our ags, that people will say it isn't right. i mean, it's ok, right? but people just wouldn't see it that way, and so we decided tht we wouldn't ell anyone about it. don't worry, hes not mean or dirty at all, he's really nice and sweet, and i love him, and he loves me, so there. but my question is.. he says he's wiling to wait, till i turn 18, you know, so its not illegal or anything, but he says that shouldn't stop us from doing "other stuff" first. what should i say?

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Are u serious or are you kidding? If this is for real, I think you should get out of that situation ASAP. There is definitely something wrong with a 45-year old man having a relationship with a 13-year old girl. You are way too young!! Anything he does to you is considered molestation. It isn't healthy or normal for an adult to have a relationship with a child.

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I know it may seem like you two love each other but this isn't a good relationship at all. You are just barely even a teenager and he wants you to do "other stuff" when he is 45!? There is something wrong there!! You really need to tell someone about this and PLEASE dont let him do "other stuff" to you or vice versa. Is he a family friend? You should tell your mom and dad about it...

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There are lots of great guys your own age and it would be better if you took time to get to know them. I think that even when you turn 18, this whole relationship probably won't succeed (because of the great age difference). Its doomed to fail. So try talking to guys your own age. YOu don't have to date them--Just makes lot of friends and get to know guy and have them get to know you and appreciate you. Also, even at age 18 you might still not be ready to start a relationship because you will be busy with university and work and all sorts of responsiblilities (trust me...i know..i am always swamped with things to do). So just forget about this guy, even if he truly caring and not perverse, because there are lots and lots of other guys who will care for you. I know you are mature enough to think ahead, so consider where exactly this relationship is going, and then consider getting to know people your own age.

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