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Okay this is kinda weird but bare with me. Me and my friend were having an intimate convo about family. And then she said she had to tell a rumor that she heard a yr ago about my family but didnt know how to ask me.


So i convince her to tell me and she said that the ppl from my country mothers and daughters are gossiping and saying that my 2 older sisters are actually my half sisters (I have 2 older sisters and 1 older brother)..so obviously when i heard this i didnt believe it but u never know. My friend said that if i told my family then i had to lie about where i heard it from..so then 30 minutes later i call my brother and ask if it was true and he said no. Without me knowing he calls the rest of my fam to tell them what i had asked him. I went home later that night and asked my mom sneakily if it was true and she said no too.


The next day, my brother called me and told me it was true. And told me that 2 years ago my father and sat him down and told him the truth....Which was that when my mom was 14 yrs old she had married a drunk and he abused her and she had my 2 older sisters with him...then they escaped and moved to italy where she met my dad.


The whole reason that im truly upset is that i feel betrayed by my fam...like im 20 yrs old and no one told me this and i had to hear about my families history through gossip and rumors..


This all happened like 2 days ago and even tho i know nothing has changed i sort of feel depressed about it. This family has been so cookie cutter to me and hearing this just confuses me...and i dont feel like i can trust anyone!!!!


I just want to know what you guys think and if you think im over reacting with this...THANKS SO MUCH FOR UR SUPPORT!

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I think you are over reacting. I know it is a shock for you but you can trust your family they have done well to bring you up over the past 20 years and they are still there for you now. It wasn't a nice way to find out but you did, they cant change that now.


I had a similar situation a few years ago where I was looking for my passport and came accross my parents marriage certificate only to see my mum had been previously married. I was shocked and worried as my mum & dad had never told us about this plus, my brother was born out of wed lock. I had thoughts he may be a half brother.


I love my parents and didn't want to tell them anything as I really didn't want to upset them, I held onto that info for another of couple of years but it was always at the back of my mind. So one day I just blurted it out, at first they were shocked and denied it - probably the same as your parents.


Then a few days later my mum sat me down and explained she was married previously when she was younger and her husband beat her up she lost a child to him after he pushed her down the stairs.


My brother was my full brother and the reason they never told us was it was too hurtful. My mum said she was very scared at that time in her life and didn't want to remember it and had blocked it out. She also said it really upset my dad to think what that other man had done to her.


We don't talk about it now there is no need, You really have to think how they must be feeling right now. Do you tell your parents everything? especially when it may hurt them? You are probably digging up a help of a lot of horrible emotions that they have been able to forget for the past 20 years. I think the only people in this that should feel anything wrong is your half sisters if they don't know. And if they were involved the likely hood is they do know.

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Half sisters or not, they are still your sisters. You grew up with them. Do you think things will be different now that you know they technically are just half sisters? Things shouldn't be different because nothing has changed really, only that you know the truth. It shouldn't change your relationship with them, or your love for them.


I don't think it was right of your parents to wait so long to tell you & then you find out from somewhere else either. However, your parents must have felt it was better. Parents only want the best for us. Maybe they were planning on telling you, but were waiting for the right moment because they knew it may upset you & hurt you. Just think about how they must be feeling too.


I know you are hurt & its going to be awhile before you will feel better about this. Just remember that its still your family. They are still the same people. They still love you just the same. The only thing that has changed is that you found out your sisters aren't your real sisters. They are still your sisters though. Its like a guy can be a father to a child even if he's not the real father. Its the same thing only with your sisters.


Don't hate your family for this. They were doing what they thought was best. If they sat your brother down & told him, then they were most likely planning on doing the same for you when they thought you were ready & when they were ready to tell you.

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..I just want to know what you guys think and if you think im over reacting with this...THANKS SO MUCH FOR UR SUPPORT!


I agree with the previous posts saying that they're still your family, but I can't imagine which worse thing than this can be done to a person apart from killing him. I think it's a right of every person to know where he comes from, which dna is within him. Not the half of it. I can't imagine, even being aware of how difficult it can be, why they didn't manage to tell you. And I can't figure how could I forgive them, really. I should have lived the situation, from outside I cannot suggest you how to face it. I suppose I would be angry to them for a very very long time, but that's my personality...

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