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Sometimes I feel that my life has no purpose, no meaning. Why should I go on if everybody is gonna die someday? I will die, and everybody that loved me, and everybody that I loved will die. The places that I liked will change, the houses where I lived at will disapear. And every tear that I dropped, every night that I couldn't sleep, every nightmare that I had will all be in vain. I see a dark road in front of me and I think I'll never be able to be happy again. I have no God to guide me, no hope, no deam. I'm completely lost and confuse. The world seems so unfriendly. I think that everybody hates me, but, above all, I hate myself.

Why should we live if the end is inevitable and life is so painful? Please, give me an answer...


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"I know that its hard to breathe sometimes. I know that the world seems too messed up to inhabit at times but please remember the ones who do care about you. Imagine what it would do to them. I know what it did to me. I felt as if he didn't care enough about me or my family to live for us. Suicide is a very selfish act. You're only thinking of yourself at the moment. The moment you pull the trigger, pop those pills, slit your wrists, whatever you may do, do you know what you're saying to the world and your loved ones? "I don't care about you." And that may not be at all what you intend to say. But that's what they'll hear. Everyone at this site cares about you. That's why we take the time to give you our advice. If you ever need anyone to talk to pm me and I'll give you my screen name and email address. Please take care of yourself."


This is something that I left in a post for someone else a few days ago. I was talking about my brother that committed suicide.I'm telling you the same thing b/c I will always stress it till the day I die. Don't be selfish. When you start to wonder, "Why am I here? What do I have to live for?" as simple and petty as it may seem to you, you must remember that you're here to live for those that choose to live for you. If you ever need to talk, please pm me. Believe it or not the world needs you.


As a matter of fact, today, Sept. 16 is my brother's birthday. He would have been 31 today. I wonder what he would have done with his life by now...

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Hey there. I agree with what Empathy has stated.


I understand how you feel. Like there is no meaning of living our life and when the road ahead seems empty. I felt that before but I did not choose to end my life. Like Empathy has stated, there are many people who still care like us.


I have to agree that every human inevitably has to die but they usually have enjoyed their life fully. Every beginning has an ending but the only difference is it's meaning to us.


I take it that your life is a little uneventful. My advise is to spice it up. Usually, I feel a sense of accomplishment and glory when I accomplish something like getting high marks for a certain subject. So, why don't you do the same in different ways?


You could set some easy goals and you'd feel better when you achieve it. And you're wrong about everyone hating you. I don't hate you because if I do, I won't be replying to this post either.


I understand what you mean by the world being unfriendly. I have met loads of unsuitable materials for friends. I even stopped trying once but that was the time when I met nice friends. So, I suppose the quote 'Best things happen at the most unexpected times' stays true.


Do not hate yourself. You might not like what you have in yourself for now but you can always change your bad traits. IF you are only changing because you don't fit in with the crowd, then I suppose you shouldn't change.


You laugh at me because I am different but I laugh at you because you are all the same


That's all I have to say. If you need to talk, feel free to pm me. I wish best of luck. Don't give up!

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I do feel sorry for you that you feel these things. However with all of these things come change. Change can be good if you embrace it. You cannot go through life thinking of the inevitable. You need to find those things that surprise you and interest you. LIfe will not always be easy but try looking at other things you may have.


" Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the

realization of how much you already have"




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I once thought like that, I use to think, if i disapeared will anyone really care? At the time I had no friends, and my parents recently got divorced...


But like everything you were talking about, life changes, so thereforeeee your life can only change for the best. I believe that when people are faced with tough times, they will be rewarded when they overcome them. As for no one cares about you? I doubt that, look how many people responded to your post, and I'm sure other people care about you as well.

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I spent almost six months last year writing essays about this for a class and trying to make sense of it. I got D's on all of the ones where I talked about the meaninglessness of life, and I got an A on the last one of the year- when I realized that life is about the ride, not the destination. (Not to say that my teacher was a genius, but it really helped me to figure some things out.)


Basically, a lot of what you've said is true; we will all die, we will all have spent a significant chunk of our lives crying about something that will not matter later on, and the world can be a pretty unfriendly place. You can recognize all of these things and simply shut down (like I did for the longest time), or you can use that knowledge as fuel. I don't remember where it's from, but I remember a quote that said something like:


"Not until one realizes he will die can he truly live."


If you know that life is short and ends suddenly, why not spend it doing something productive? If you feel like the world is unfriendly, change it. Be friendly to someone else and make their day. If you know your loved ones will die, spend as much time with them as you can. If you need to talk to someone, you can PM me. Cheer up!

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You know this is a question that will take your entire life to understand. The meaning of life is like love, those who know it won't be able to explain it, and don't put faith in those who say they already know what the meaning of life is.


I think you need to find this out for yourself:


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But you should know this. The "meaning of life" depends on two things: life and the person


Camus tells a story of the Myth of Sisyphus


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Sisyphus is fated to roll a rock up the hill for all eternity, but he would not die. It' was not death that made his life absurd, so what was it? Tolstoy called this an "arrest of life." it's when we demand something of the world and the world does not deliver. Sisyphus's solution was to make the rolling of the rock up the hill his will. He couldn't change the world, but he could change how he views the world. If he made the rolling the rock up the hill his will then there would be no absurdity to life, no contridiction. If his meaning of life was just rolling that rock then he's found his meaning to life.


Now an Existentialist in your position, like Sarte would say, "I know life doesn't have any meaning, but living in this purposeless life will be my meaning." "I'm going to embrase the benign indifference (Sarte's words)."


I'm probably not explainging this well, but some people find this empowering, others find it lacking. But the Existentialist all have this feature in common. Kierkeggard for example realized that life had no meaning, but he said something like, "I need something I can live and die for. There is nothing I can live and die for in this world--sunsets, love, childbirth, diet, traveling, beauty--these are all just amount to particles and body chemicals. I need something I can live and die for, so I choose God." Augustine did soemthing similar.


But there are MANY MANY MANY more viewpoints on this. I don't think you'll get much info here because none of us are experts. But there is sooooo much more to say. Buddist thought is completely different, and many people, like Schopenhauer, who almost advocated sucide found solace in Buddism.


Good luck in your quest, it will take a lifetime.

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you're right everyone will die. but i think its a better question to ask, since were going to die, why not do everything we can to make this short life the best it can be? try not to get bogged down in bad stuff in your life, i mean yeah life is very hard sometimes, but it can be good too. a lot of things are temporary and with time you can get yourself out of those situations. remember, whatever's going on in your life is temporary, and in the long run you have a lot of life and many many many possibilities. you never know what can happen. please dont give up. and as for the meaning of life, its up to you. life is what you make of it, so give it all youve got! you sound like a wonderful person and i would hate to see someone like you give up. take care and message me if you want

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