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This girl again.


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I'm not sure if any of you are familiar, but there's a short little story under my created threads from about 3 months ago. I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this thread, so if a mod can please move it to the correct location.


So there was this girl that I really liked, we really clicked, I really liked her but may have pushed a tad too hard for a relationship. She started seeing some other guy, not sure what really went on as I basically never spoke to her again from that point. Fast forward until today, my birthday. She sent me a message saying "I'm sorry I was such a douche to you, you were worth so much more than that. I hope life's good atm!


Why do people do this? As far as I know her and that guy are basically nothing, he doesn't want a relationship with her. I can kind of see what she's trying to do, but I was once really good friends with this girl. Can anyone give me some advice on how to approach this situation without sounding like an absolute tool? Thanks in advance guys

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If it was me, and I harboured no ill feelings towards her and wouldnt mind being her friend I would reply saying something like.

"Its cool. No grudges! Life is pretty great at the moment. How are you?"


If I didnt feel all of the things above I would just ignore it.

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