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What is "exclusivity" and when does it start?

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From the first kiss?


From the first time you both verbally commit to each other?


From the general aura that you both create around/from each other?


In other words, if the person is eventually going to become the person we spend our life with - how do we ensure we're not accidentally losing their trust at the start of a connection?

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Well if you like them all i would surgest is don't be sleeping with their best friend. Monogamous relationships are always ideal and i guess thats why most cultures people are only allowed one wife or more if all are treated equaly because it can lead to some bad stuff going down. So keep to them to keep their trust

I always think of exclusivity as being public about it, i personaly dont like talking about relationships being male and i dont like people "gossiping" so my exclusivity is down to the girl. I also dont like talking about relationships as it normally leads to words needing to be censored when it comes to terms with my ex g/f lesbian lying... i'll stop before i start it. Oh and she failed majorly on the monogamous part with her ex girlfriend i didn't know about.

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I'd have to say that you need to set the ground rules a bit. Don't be ultra firm and demanding (it'll probably scare your partner away), but rather ask that they date you exclusively for the time being. If things really start to fly then I'd say you should discuss becoming a couple. My ex-gf and I became a couple when we kissed each other after a few dates (it was more of an extended make-out session so it became rather obvious at that point ).

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