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what is she playing at....


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feel a bit stupid. We broke up around 2 months ago (story if you are bothered: )


anyway since then a few things have happened but she has gone away on a 1month trip to south america (good thing probably since she isnt here!). I had my bday a couple of weeks ago and she sent me an email from her travels essentially saying happy bday, asking questions about what i did to celebrate and then said it would be great if when she is back she could take me out on a night out as a belated celebration.


Now i replied to this email in the most upbeat of tones saying what i did and wishing her well on her travels but at no point did i acknowledge the invitation to go out as I found it kinda weird that considering she broke up with me she is asking to take me out for my bday. since then i know she has been on email and as she has emailed a couple of mutual friends in the last few days but hasnt not sent anything to me. Now I feel like a bit of a moron - was i wrong to reply at all/ reply in an upbeat tone (and what, make her think we are all good and im not pissed off and hurt which of course I am but am not showing).


basically i dont want a situation in which i am giving away all my power, am i being played/kept on the hook by her here?

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Really, who knows what she's about right now. My ex texted me on my birthday and would be perfectly happy being friends but doesn't want to get back together. Sometimes they just want to catch up for whatever reason.


You were a rebound for her and while she may have warm feelings for you that doesn't mean she wants a relationship.

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how do you figure I was a rebound.? She ended the relationship with the other guy 2yrs before, she dated and slept with other guys in between and we were close close friends for a year before we ever dated (yet there was nothing going on and we were both playing the field). and still states to this day that I was the first person she ever had strong feelings for since him....

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how do you figure I was a rebound.? She ended the relationship with the other guy 2yrs before, she dated and slept with other guys in between and we were close close friends for a year before we ever dated (yet there was nothing going on and we were both playing the field). and still states to this day that I was the first person she ever had strong feelings for since him....


She had unresolved feelings for her ex. She has never really gotten over him. You can rebound with a number of people, not just one.


The one thing I do know is thats a battle no one ever wins. If they still miss and care for the ex and see or want another chance with them you'll never have a real relationship with them.

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