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How many serious relationships were you in before you met your match?


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Been talking to friends lately about how many relationships people go through before settling down with the right person.


Just wanted to post to see how many serious relationships (serious meaning 6 months to several years) everyone has gone through before meeting the person they married? What made the last relationship stand out from the rest that helped you decide that person was right for you? And how old were you when you finally did settle down?


I would love to hear everyones stories!

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Strange, this question makes me wonder, which of my past relationships were actually serious. I would have to say technically 2 serious relationships (living together for more than 2 years each), but I feel like I learned plenty from shorter relationships that added to my experience. I met my husband 5 years ago, and I knew immediately that he was much different in many ways from the rest of the guys that I had dated. The major difference is in the way he treated me and how much he appreciated having a relationship with me. It felt like we were in some kind of secret world together, just the two of us. A lot of typical things were the same, such as strong interest in music, movies and art. I feel he would have been friends with many of my exs if he had met them (under different circumstances maybe). I've gone through 5 relationships before meeting him, and after my last horrific breakup, I decided not to date anyone until they were incredibly special and well worth my time. It was when I was just about to give up my "search" that I met him in the most peculiar way. There was no real "help" in deciding on marrying this person, it is just how things turned out. I was able to use my experience to shuffle out the scum bags and settle on a very special person. We were 23 when we met, turned 24 together shortly after being together, and lived together from day 1 of our relationship. Three years later, we got married and had a baby.


Our life is no fairy tale, but it seems to be working itself out.

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Not sure if I count, as I'm not currently married. But I had two serious relationships before my current one. The first one lasted a little over a year, the second lasted over 2 years.


I've been in my current relationship for a year and a half. I'm not sure if we'll get married, but this feels like a much better match than my two previous ones and I would feel extremely happy and fulfilled if this guy is my last partner. We just have a chemistry I've never felt with anyone else. He is kind, respectful, and loving without being a doormat. We enjoy similar hobbies and just enjoy being around each other. He trusts me and is trustworthy. He's giving and adventurous in and out of the bedroom. I could go on and on, but basically we just fit like two puzzle pieces. Whereas in my previous relationships, the compatibility was just not at the same level.

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The only relationship I was in was with 'the one' I certainly didn't go into it thinking or knowing he was the one [i was in my late teens] but were together 7 years before we got married. Things progressed naturally with time, and as we grew both individually, and in life, we grew together and we couldn't imagine a life without the other person in it. Everything just worked. Our life goals, our personalities, our dreams, as we progressed through everything in life [school, careers, etc] it was all done together, committed to each other and the relationship..it was smooth sailing overall and everything just made perfect sense. We wanted to be together, and the relationship reflected that.


He was in one previous long term relationship [slight age gap with us] What that relationship lacked, or what made it fail, he found in our relationship.

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I don't have an answer to this question but my first serious relationship ended nearly 3 months ago, so I'd just like to snuggle up here and let the hope of finding someone better comfort me.


I did think he was the one once, but hindsight is a beautiful thing. We were like puzzle peices, but they were peices of 2 completely different puzzles! I'll find my matching puzzle piece one day

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I had two serious relationships before the one I'm in currently which is going on seven years. I also had probably half a dozen dating/sexual relationships with people who taught me a lot about the world and myself without ever being someone who I thought I had a future with.

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Id say, 3? but 2 i actually lived with ...


First love... you know, I could of sworn she was the one!

Second, I was looking for a friend and a place to stay, it got better and better, then she cheated (had picked out a ring still have it to this day).

-A long 4 years of jumping into any bed i could find.

Now 2n half years and Iv been living with my new love. not married yet but everyone ask's us when.

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Been dating a total of 7 people and two were very serious. Both had wedding proposals. First one was from someone who was being deployed to Iraq, which didn't last. My current one is someone I've been with for 8 years now.


I am engaged now and am in my late 20's.

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