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we almost had sex and i think i may have given him something

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hello guys, i really need some help. last weekend me and this guy i've been talking to got into like a really heavy makeout session, it got to the point where his penis was at the entrance of my virgina. the thing is that i have a yeast infection that he doesn't know about and i just read online that guys can get it too, i don't know how to broach the topic and im feeling really embarrased right now. he says he wasn't wearing a condom, but i think he was any way. i don't know what to do. should i warn him just in case he gets it too? ( this is not the kind of thing i want this guy to know about me, first off he works with me, and second i would just quit my job if i did find out that i had given it to him. anyway please let me know real soon cause i'm suppose to be talking to him tonight?)

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Even though men CAN get a yeast infection from a female, it is very rare and difficult. Women get yeast infections a bunch of different ways, men can only get them one way. The infection has to get down our euretha and stay there for a period of time before we can get infected.


When a man becomes aroused for a time before ejaculation, a clear fluid is produced that comes out of the euretha. I don't know the medical term, but most people call it pre-cum. The purpose of this fluid is to cleanse the euretha from any potential danger to the semen. This includes dirt, urine, etc.


Chances are, if your man was close enough to touch your vagina he was aroused enough to produce the pre-cum. If he didn't enter you, chances are his exposure was minimal and the pre-cum would've washed the infection away.


I wouldn't worry about. I've been with a few girlfriends who had infections and I didn't catch anything. Not to say it wouldn't happen!! I would definitely warn him next time and DO NOT let him go down on you...for his sake...and his tastes buds!!!

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