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What to do next...


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I posted about this topic a while ago, basically I met a guy a while ago (about 2 months) and for the first few weeks we saw eachother about once a week and it was all fine, a little slow going but was an ok pace, then he started to stop being so enthusiastic and the dates slowed down to even less than once a week. It was usually me initiating a date and a few times when i asked him to meet up he'd either say he wasn't feeling great or was doing something else.


Some of you on here advised me to just forget him as he wasnt making an effort...so i did this, I just completely backed off and left things, he obviously noticed I did this and then began to get back in touch a bit more, he began to turn it around calling me 'stranger' and asking where i had disapeared to, it annoyed me as hes the one who originally went strange and less enuthusiastic/making rubbish effort. So I basically said to him that I felt he wasnt making enough effort and that he was confusing me because he says all these things like how he wants to be with me and how much he likes me but still never makes an effort to see me, and that he just seems to want a text relationship. etc. He agreed that he needs to make more effort and basically admitted that he is lazy, but said he'd been busy lately and that we'd definitely do stuff over the xmas holidays.


Iv'e been a bit wary recently, giving him a bit of space, but still keeping contact etc and its just like hes playing games, telling me he wants us to be together etc but not actually making any effort to see me, I got fed up of always initiating a date so am now waiting for him to do it and he just isnt!! He knows how I feel about this. I got no text from him xmas day which I thought was pretty rubbish, I was the last one to text him on xmas eve and we exchanged a few texts but then he suddently stopped replying.


I know u will all say to drop him, which I am ready to do and want to do because I know it would be awful to become even further involved with someone as lazy and boring as this, because basically I am bored with all this now! But i just dont know what to say to him, Im not going to bother contacting him first now and perhaps he won't get in touch with me so I guess that will be it. But I just want him to know what an idiot he is and i guess I am also just venting my frustration out on here. It's like hes keeping it dangling on a thread by every now and again saying something 'nice' to me, but then being so lazy so not making any effort, a relationship to me is so much more than just being told a few empty promises every now and again.


So if he does text what do i say to him???

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