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I am jelous of this girl...reason to be?

dark angel9

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There is this girl that is a girlfriend of a mutual friend of ours. She is not good looking AT ALL but she has a sweet and engaging personality. She is quite intelligent too.


Yesterday, there was this party. Me, my boyfriend, this girl and her bf were there. My bf was seated accross from her and they have really hit it off conversation wise. I could tell that he is telling her his funniest stories and she was over-laughing. She then suddenly made a move to sit next to my bf when the chair became empty. I sat on the other side of him. As they were talking, she was really touchy-feely with him. She was constantly touching him on the arm, shoulder etc and just laughing a lot. It annoyed me but I tried hard not to let it show. At one point, one of the guys was telling a story about how this girl's bf tried to pick up some girl (before he met her) and my bf seemed to be comfortable enough to make a playful move to block her ears with his hands.


She kept on with the touchiness and he suddenly got up and told me to swap chairs with him (so that I would sit next to her) on the pretense that he wants to talk with the boys. I chatted to her a bit but she of course was not touchy feely with me at all.


At the end of the evening boyfriend invited her and her bf to come to dinner with us one night....


Prior to this evening, bf told me that he thinks this girl is really bad looking. After this evening he said that she looked slightly better than usual. He did say however that she has a really bad breath, He also said that she is really sweet and intelligent and easy to talk to...


Am I being overly jelous? It's obvious that she initiated flirting with him but he seemed to enjoy it and go along with it..



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