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Well the story goes like this. I met this guy at a speed dating event. We hit it off and went out a couple of times and things were good. We get along, we're both attracted to each other, but over the last 2 months, he's been pulling away because he says he's interested but he's confused because of the emotions he has tied into some of the things that he doesn't like about me. Those things are pretty superficial and he realizes it but he's still got problems with them. Anyway, everytime I try to pull back he snags me and reels me in. So, do I just accept that this is a very casual dating scenario or do I forget it and move on. I'm able to look past his faults but I'd rather not have to. Let me know if you need more info.

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Hey sparky


Well, it sounds like he is responding well to the classic push/pull you are giving him - just as he feels he might lose you, he chases.


I am curious what these little things are...he is either building them up as he does not want to get too involved with you and uses them as barriers, or they are things that really DO bother him, as superficial as they are.


I think that if you want it is alright to keep taking it casual, but it depends on your feelings - do you think you might get too involved emotionally with him and he cannot give that back to you? I think if you want to stay with him, you are just going to have to keep on with the push/pull - and learn to meet his emotional needs so that those "superficial" things that bother him seem to become for him not even worth thinking about, in exchange for the complete you!

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