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I want my sister to be my mum and god to tell why i was born

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I know that seems harsh but I want my sister to be my mum. She very much like a mum to me.

I see her on the holidays and she does things that you'd expect from your parents she:

buys ALL my school uniform

listens to my problems without a temper attached

helps me with homework

and takes me out places (days out or maybe to the cinema)


The thing is no matter what I cannot find ANYTHING to smile about.

Sky has been cancelled

mum and dad have this spy killer thing on so I can't access my fave sites

schools back

I know that seems petty but sometimes when I have a rough day at school I need something to lookforwoods to and theres nothing.

My mum and dad are really self-centerd.My mum gets in a bad mood if I do the slightest thing wrong,she keeps on reminding me that nest yr im 16 and she can throw me out.

I don't think I love my parents anymore. They point out all my faults to their friends so everyone thinks im the worst daughter on the planet.

Its unfair and talking to them is like talking to a brick wall.

They think im ignarent and selfish when I tell them and mum puts on the water works!

I'm so fed up with my life I often wonder why I was born.

My sister doesn't love mum and either. She will send a seasonal card and a present when its birthdays or christmas or whatever but will put best wishes rather than good luck.

I think my mum has made me see a negative side to life and especially wherever me brother is concerned. He has two sons not their toddlers.

I hate them both. I hate them crying or when they don't come to me.

I know their babys, but I can't stand them.

I sound like such a hartless person I know but thats how I feel.

I want to be back in Bristol where jenny and her co-workers see me as someone not a something.

thanks for reading!

laura x

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So sorry to hear that Laura.....I know exdactly how you feel, my step mum was the same to me. Nothing I ever did was good enough, she was constantly at me about something, and always belittled me to everyone else.


I was called lazy even though I went to school full time during the day, worked full time during the night AND did all the housework/garden work to boot.


Whenever I got upset I was told to grow up and to stop being a sook, and if ever I brought up any problems, she'd yell at me about how I was immature and selfish, and that I was failure and I'd amount to nothing. Many times I contemplated suicide because that woman, I ended up staying with riends and at my Nanna's a lot until my Nanna moved cities. I then moved out before she had a chance to kick me out (like she always threatened) and have since moved cities (other problems, ex-g/f related...LOOOONG story) and am now living with my Nanna until I can get back on my feet.


If you want to talk, feel free to message me, u can either PM me, or my Yahoo and AIM screen name is Wrathlon69 and my MSN Messenger address is email removed ...look forward to hearing from you.


I hopew everything gets better, good luck, and I'm here for you

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