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Hi, I have a boyfriend who is (to sum it up) great!!!! I do have on issue though, and it's that he masterbates behind my back. I have told him that it's okay to masterbate, but I would also like to be on the recieving end of all the action once in a while... I suspect that he is masterbating when I fall asleep. My question or issue is that I'm unsure as to whether I should be upset or just forget about it and do something about my needs on my own!?!?!

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This reminds me of a blog I read the other day by someone called The Good Wife. This woman found out that her husband was masturbating while she was asleep right beside him, and she's claimed that she's told him many times that she wouldn't mind being on the receiving end either, and would be happy if he woke her up in the middle of the night for a little "romp." She then asked for people's opinions on their partner masturbating, so I think it would be a good read for you... Here's the link: link removed

She's gotten over 40 comments on the subject, so that should satisfy you


I would think that if, like this woman, you told your boyfriend that you'd be glad to take part in his little activities than there is a reason to get upset if he's spending more time with his hand than he is with you. However, it's important to remember that sometimes he just may feel like masturbating, it doesn't mean he's not attracted to you or doesn't want you, he's just not in the mood for that at that moment.

I suggest you read the site and then talk to him about it if you haven't already done so.

Good luck,



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Masturbation is a natural action for a man. I would say that if you want to be part of the action you may have to catch him doing it then show him your serious about being part of the action. I know that I am shy about people (especially my partner) knowing that I do that. Reassure him that your serious and to feel free to wake you up. Just remember that he may just hold you up to that and you can't get mad at him if wakes you on a bad night or something.


The one thing in life is for sure that most guys are told that masturbation is bad or a sin. I know I was always told that it was wrong. I have no idea why my folks would do that to thier kids. Now that I think about it I think I know why I am the way I am. lol


Hope this helps,

Hubman 8)

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Now I don't mean to be rude....but what gives you the right to tell people that they are wrong and you are right. It is a normal thing to do, and quite healthy.


Just because in your belief it's "wrong" doesn't mean it is. I know many beliefs that have different things that we say are "wrong" but they are not our beliefs, which is the only reason we percieve them that way. While you perceive our beliefs as wrong, some of us percieve some of your beliefs as wrong. It doesn't mean either one is correct, neither is right and neither is wrong, it's all about what you believe in.


For me I am not religious, and I don't like those people that are, who try and FORCE their views on others and make them feel small because they don't share the same view.


All rules of religion and faith aside...it says in the bible, god gave man a choice in life, to choose to follow him or to choose not too. He did not say at anytime that they MUST just that he wants them to....thereforeeee, when those of us make a choice against what your faith says and what god wants, it is still supported by god, and as such, those of us who choose not to follow god, shouldn't be ostracised, because we are not doing anything god didn't give intend.


Sorry if this was a little harsh, I got nothing against religion but it's the "bible bashers" that try and force their views on everyone regardless of what anyone thinks, that really get my blood pumping. It's rude, arrogant, and close-minded.

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Folks, let's just keep in mind that this is a forum where anyone's opinions are allowed, as long as they aren't worded in a flaming manner. That's the great thing about eNotalone...a lot of diverse opinions are shared here, minus the profanity and disrespect. So far, this thread is adhering to that but let's make sure we don't resort to flaming. Logically outlining the reasons for your opinions, as Computer Guy just did, is preferred.


I just felt I better say something now, because when the topic of religion comes up, it can get pretty heated.

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Everyone believes in different things and are naturally going to think that what ever they believe is right. Hey atigdng you have your opinion and that is great and wonderful. I agree with scout on this one because she is Absolutely right. This forum is for everyone to express their opinions in a safe and open envirionment. Please remember that flaming will mean your post being deleted and you getting warned/banned. So lets keep to the topic at hand because someone out there needs help. I may tend to agree with the computer guy but, that does not mean that we are right or wrong.


When it comes to religion I have found that everyone is right because there is no way to prove otherwise.


hubman 8)

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When it comes to religion I have found that everyone is right because there is no way to prove otherwise.


Exactly...sorry if I seemed a bit rude, but the way it was posted, it was in a very "I am right, you are not" sort of manner, or at least thats how I took it, but I agree with hubman...no one is either right or wrong, and that no amount of argument is going to convince either party otherwise.

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