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Hi, im 17 n i need help getting back with my ex gf..


We were going out for a month but recently we were having trouble comunicating mainly because i didnt think she liked me because she flirts alot. about a week ago we broke up. i asked her if theres any chance getting back together, but she said shes not sure because we talk alot more as friends, and the last week b4 we broke up was weird n uncomfortable. i really like her n she says she likes me but im wondering how i can let her know it will be different and alot better if we go back out.



I dont know if that makes sense but neways... any suggestions on how we can get back together would b cool..Thx.

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Hi There Matey,


Seems like you have to decide what you want. To be honest 17 is a very young age and you should only just be finding your feet with relationships etc. The girl who you say you are in love with. Have you actually tried to sit her down and tell her how you feel. (don't get all mushey just simply tell her). The outlook i have on life that is if somthing is meant to be then it will be.


I would suggest you have two options.


1. Try and fight for her and possibly risk looking her completely.

2. Allow things to take their course, play things cool and who knows you may get back together.


Keep your options open.


Hope everything works out.






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