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i met this really shy girl, sorta like me

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Hey, i met this really shy girl at school today. I thought id seen her look at me ALOT so i decided to talk to her (big change for me lol) I got her over to my seat and we were talking, but she said she didnt know who i was before this year even though id seen her look at me all of last year. Also, shes irish and has the elegant white skin that irish people sometimes have (not a redhead though) anyway when she came over and sat by me her chest (upper) and face were normal colored, but as we talked i began to notice that her chest was turning bright red. We were laughing alot and she didnt seem to want to go away, so while she was looking for a pencil to give me her number and everything i looked, and what was a pale-skinned girl 10 minutes earlier, had become almost rose-red lol her face even began to flush up majorly too before the bell rang and we had to leave. Is this a legitimate sign that she is attracted to me? Would she lie about staring at me for so long? any feedback would be a huge help because we talked for an hour tonight and it was alot of fun and i think she might even be dateable which would be absolutely great for me since im getting off of a pretty crappy relationship. Thanks again.



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I'm really irish too, my skin turns red when im embarrassed or anxious about something. Usually when it happens, I'm talking to someone who intimidates me or someone I'm attracted to. Since she you guys got along well, I'd guess shes not intimidated. I think you should go for it. Trying to read a shy person's signals will drive you crazy, and they'll never make the first move.

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Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:34 pm Post subject:




I am pretty sure she likes you, ask her out. You can watch her turn red by moonlight lol jk

lol, that was really funny..

anywayz, its really hard to tell if she likes you or not, cuz take me for example, im really shy, and i blush even if im not attracted to the guy im talking to.. so....,

but maybe she does like you..

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