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When to make the big move to the UK


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Hey guys,


I was aiming to move to London in June 2012. I want to get some contract work so I can get some travelling in between jobs and also

Because my visa will only allow me to work for one year in total out of the 2 years I am

Able to live there. I'm just not 100% sure if moving in June would be the best time anymore as it's so close to the Olympics.. London will already be hectic enough trying to settle in especially coming from New Zealand but I'm scared it will be all too overwhelming during olympics. I'm not fussed about saying ' I was AT the Olympics' at all, it's not a big deal to me. I'd like to travel to Greece in august though but moving to London during that time will also be really really expensive .


I don't know when to go! Any suggestions ?

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I would suggest that you apply sooner rather than later - my country is tightening the laws like a snare drum in an attempt to avoid workers arriving and taking British jobs. Ou employment after all stands at roughly 9%. I take it you have a job to go too? If not I can guarentee unless you have seriously marjetable skills you'll struggle to find anything. The last article I read said that on average there are 10 people applying for every position.

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