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Is this a good Christmas present?


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Okay, so I have an idea about what to give my husband for Christmas. We have both had a crazy few months, and we really haven't seen each other much at all. We'll be spending our Thanksgiving break with his family which will be awesome, but won't go far in giving us quality time just the two of us. So what I'd like to do is take him on a surprise weekend get-away just here in town pretty much right after the semester ends. Get a hotel, make sure he doesn't have plans, and just relax together. I like the idea, but the reason I wouldn't want to do that is because it's for both of us. Would it be selfish of me to get him a present that really benefits both of us equally?

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Yeah, part of the plan would be that he has the run of the mill on where we eat, what we watch, etc. I've just heard people counsel against guys OR girls getting lingerie as a present because it's a present for both parties, and I don't want to do something rude!

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One of the most relaxing, enjoyable and sexy things my wife and I ever did was book an upscale hotel room here in the town we live in for one night.


I called around and found the nicest one had a "romance" package deal. Early check in, late check out, chocolates and champagne in the room on arrival.....huge bathroom with a "to die for" huge shower with two shower heads.


We left the world and all of it's problems in our wake as we pulled in the parking lot. We weren't in the room five minutes before we were all over each other.


We walked to get dinner, enjoyed the night air, and tried our level best to destroy the king sized bed when we returned. I bet we took four showers in that short time frame.


If my wife were to book a similar experience for me as a gift, and added subtle touches in the form of shower gels, lotions, lingere, etc.........


Yeah, that would be one darn good gift to get. Nothing better than coming home from a night or weekend like that totally exahusted and totally refreshed at the same time.....if you get my drift. A big part of it was we were unavailable to everyone except our son and my parents who were watching him. They were told to only call in case of a dire emergency....to handle everything the best they saw fit.


We enjoyed each other and each other only. If your husband is like me, you are the greatest gift in his life. Planning this, putting full effort into this, and treating him to this as well as yourself.......I can't understand how any man wouldn't love it.


It sure beats a new socket set or a gift certificate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, update. The husband suggested we do our Christmas after Christmas and base our budget on how much money we have left. I said, "Hey, what if we pooled our money and got each other the same present and went away for a weekend?" And awesomely enough, he said, "I've been thinking the exact same thing!"


So that's our plan.

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