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NC - stop me from writing him. I was doing so great until today


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I think it's already a week or a second week of NC. I mean I don't even remember when I started it cause it wasn't planned. He didn't dump me. He still thinks everything is ok. But he cheated a lot and I didn't want to break up with him, so I just decided to give MYSELF some time and I started NC. I stopped writing him sms, I turned off my chat, I stopped writing him emails and comments. We're having LDR and until today I was doing so great with NC things. I mean he called me last week and a week before. It was great.


I thought - here I am, not caring about him anymore, can talk without any emotions, didn't use any lovely words. When he asked me if I missed him I just changed a topic. I'm not sure if he sensed that something is wrong cause I sounded so happy about everything what's happening in MY life (didn't asked about his s..t at all).


But this week he didn't call me, he didn't write me, he didn't contacted me. On one hand I thought "Great! I don't have anything to worry for, cause I don't know anything. And I don't want to know". On the other hand (it started from yesterday) I began worrying that he sensed my NC and is doing the same thing for me (he's smart at this). And I'm afraid that it's working. Yesterday I hold myself from writing him. Today it's a little bit harder - I saw a funny film and understood that I want to tell him about something fun and I CAN'T. I can't let myself to write him! But I thought about writing him some short message twice already. How can I stop myself from writing him or even thinking about something? I mean hello, I'm not sitting by my phone (no way!). I'm trying to put all my time to my job and studies. I study so hard that I barely have a time to sleep. And I even began dreaming of him during my sleep! Help!

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He maybe things the ball is in your court when it comes to contact if you were 'distant' last time you spoke

It feels like he;s took the control away from you right? Because he's not making you defend your decision for NC?

Stay strong... This happens but will happen less and less frequently as time goes by

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I'm confused. Which guy is this? The guy you were just asking about ("Scare Him Away Too Soon" thread)?


No, no, it's the old guy. This guy you thought is really cute, but I'm not dating him yet, we're just corresponding. I'm talking the old one guy who's not for me.


Stay strong... This happens but will happen less and less frequently as time goes by


Thank you for your support I'm really trying to do my best NOT to contact him and to do any activity except contacting him.

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