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Drinking is good?!???


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Drinking makes me feel relaxed and happy..but that's only if I drink when I'm in a good state of mind.


If you drink when you're upset or are ruminating on unhappy things, it will usually make you more depressed. I drank a lot after my last BU and it didn't help much. A lot of people do it to numb the pain temporarily but the problem is, when you are sober again, you still have to deal with all of those emotions. And alcohol can't help you with that.

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Alcohol is not "supposed" to make you feel anything. It's a depressant in terms of your cardiovascular system, not a depressant as in your mind.


Throw in other drugs, illicit or legal and the net effect varies even more in a per individual basis (as in from time to time, the same user).


If you want to speak generally though, light drinking removes anxiety, feelings of anguish and generally makes a person happy. It's when they step beyond the buzz that things go crazy. That's when emotions get amplified (good or bad) that were temporarily suspended. From there, as in drinking in excess, you have variable drunks. Fighters, lovers, cry-babies, loud, silent, violent, etc.


No, alcohol isn't meant to make you anything. Depending on whatever life situation you're dealing with, you could be anyone of the horrible drunks you've seen.

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Alcohol reduces inhibitions which can lead to times when you feel really good and other times when you feel really bad.


But overall, alcohol is a depressant and you really feel the effects of that when it is used a lot over time and how you feel LESS good when you wake up the next morning.


So whatever temporary high you get from it comes with a whole lot of other negative consequences. There is nothing wrong with relaxing with a drink now and then, but drinking to excess and all the time has bad effects on your body and your life.

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