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I have a question...

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i was bored waiting for the hurricane to come and i went online for the first time in a long time on msn messenger and i saw my ex online. i quickly logged off. should i have stayed or did i do a good thing by sighning off so he wouldn't be able to talk to me?? i miss him and in a way, i wanted to talk to him, but i was scared to. did i break no contact? did i ruin the chance of him ever trying to or wanting to contact me???

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There are two things here:


1: the no contact is for you to heal. which means that all of your contact with this other person is only what you can be comfortable with. If you did not feel comfortable with being online with him then you did the right thing. You should never do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.


2: You are doing fine, continue your path. Work on yourself ( teach yourself to be happy with out him). That is you can never be happy with him if you cannot be happy without him. Grow emotionally and things will work out for you. (IN TIME).


Also, you did not ruin any chance of getting back with him, but you did appear weak by running from him. You should never appear weak in front of the exes. The stronger you appear the weaker they will feel.



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No, you did what you felt was right at that time.


If you want him to contact you maybe when you see him online next time it might be better to stay on a bit and see if he contacts you.


All you can do otherwise is to concerntrate on yourself at the moment. I don't know why you split up but as you know there is a chance he will realsie his loss and come back to you, or he might move on.

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Hi there,

I don't think you did anything wrong. He is probably going to wonder where you rushed off too, if he still has you on his list. Hey if he has you on messenger then he has an email address he can reach you at. So don't worry.


Like everyone else said: NC is about healing.

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Hi losinghope,


I don't think you did anything wrong. You shouldn't let him decide weither or not you go online. I say you should go on your msn account if you want to. Like Muneca said, if your still on his list he'll talk to you if he wants to, however i recommend you wait for him to initiate contact. If seeing him online is too tempting, you can always take him off your list so you dont have to see weither or not he's online. I think I told you that I had done this with my ex, and its been working for the most part.


Hope this helps,



P.S. How are you handeling the hurricane? Hope everything is ok.

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