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does she like me?


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im 12 in 7th grade my school just began and the year before that i liked this girl named shelby her friend asked me if i asked her out whould i say yes and i was nervous so i said thats for hr to ask. days later she found out i liked her and she naged me for the next 2 months. she called me timothy even thow im anthony, i think she was flirting with me but does she like me?

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lmao wow...you have it so easy, yes she does, she wouldnt be nagging you if she didnt like you so go for it man your in 7th grade what have you got to lose? if you get turned down its no big thing, especially if you handle it well, girls love guys who are laid back and dont go out searching for them. You made a really good and mature move telling her friend that it was her question to ask...that probably drove her INSANE (im not lieing) so i know you have what it takes to ask her out and maybe even go out on dates. Good Luck.



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lmao wow...you have it so easy, yes she does, she wouldnt be nagging you if she didnt like you so go for it man your in 7th grade what have you got to lose? if you get turned down its no big thing, especially if you handle it well, girls love guys who are laid back and dont go out searching for them. You made a really good and mature move telling her friend that it was her question to ask...that probably drove her INSANE (im not lieing) so i know you have what it takes to ask her out and maybe even go out on dates. Good Luck.



im gonna ask her out answer my nex post tommoro thanx!
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