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Have I been used?


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Becuase it sure seems that way.


Okay, here's the deal.


I met this really cool dude through a message board back in May of this year. I was pretty new and clueless to the internet, especially online chatting. He told me about yahoo messenger and I got and account just to chat with him. He has a webcam and I got one too. Now here comes the embarressing part...I did cyber stuff with him, we mentioned here and there during our chats that we were going to meet up one day. He always seemed really cool and interested in me. And we kept in contact pretty regularly.


Recently, my home computer went totally out. But I am still able to chat online thru yahoo using my computer at work. However, I'm not able and don't want to put a web cam on my work pc. After I told him my home computer has not been working(he already knew about the webcam and my work pc), I noticed he has not been online at all. And he has not tried to contact me in anyway, whether it be thru email, instant message, phone calls anything. And I have'nt tried to contact him either.


So my question is should I try to contact him?


If he had no interest in me besides the fact that I would cyber online with him then I don't want anything to do with him and that's how this is appearing to me. But then there is the fact that he might be having pc problems of his own, or maybe he's been busy...I don't know.This is probably going to irk me until I find out how he really felt about me.


Anybody have any advice regarding what should I do?

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My best advice is to just leave the man be. If he honestly wanted to keep in contact, there are plenty of libraries with internet access out there. To me, and this is through the eyes of a 16 year old, he seemed to have been using you. Or maybe he wasn't. Did you two talk outside of cybering or was it mostly cybering? In either case, he was getting something he wanted and because thats gone, hes moody. If the guy doesn't contact you, don't contact him. You already explained your computer problems, so if he has any problems then he needs to do the explaining. I am not a relationship expert, but I have pretty sound advice. Let him contact you and in the mean time, just move on past him. If he comes back, thats wonderful, if not, theres plenty of other grains of sand on the beach.

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ciao, you know what, the worst thing about cyber relationship is you have to guess what that person is thinking all the time!! so painful!!!

i think you should send him an email, to ask why, then wait if he doesnt reply to you, that means game over, dont contact him anymoreif he explains everything to you, that would be nice...

good luck

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Thanks much for the replies and wishing me good luck.


I'm just gonna let him be like mymelancholysoul suggested. We did talk outside of cybering but if he really had anything for me he would have contacted me by now.



What sucks is this same thing happens with my relationships in real life as well. It seems as soon as the guy gets what he wants he splits and I never hear from him again.


Thanks again.

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