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i wanna marry him...but my parents hate him!!!!!!!

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hi everyone....


i'm having a problem that i cant stop thinking abt and its abt my future....

im in love with a guy that my parents really hate...and we're thinking of getting engaged next yr...my mom really hate the guy just because he's not that rich and he didnt finish his studies...actually he's a policeman!...4 other guys also talked to my parents abt me, 2 of them r doctors, one is a computer engineer and the other one is a dentist... my parents told me to choice between them and to forget abt the policeman and never think of him becoz he wont make u happy...i never told them that there is a relationship between me and this guy.. but they found out becoz of the way i talk abt him and how i start crying when they say anything bad abt him!!...we're sooo inlove...he told me that i'm going to talk to ur parents next yr and if they said no...i'll take u and go somewhere else alone...but i said no i cant live away from my parents!...i dont know what to do or how to tell my parents that we will be engaged next yr and how they r goin to understand all this..my mum really hate... i didnt finish my studies yet, but when i finish i'll be a computer engineer...thats why my parents dont want me to be with him...im going to be a computer engineer and im from a rich family, and he didnt finish his studies and a police man!!!...BUT I LOVE HIM and i know that he's the only one that will make me always happy...i see him only during holidays becoz i dont live in my country...but we're always in touch and he keeps telling me i'll wait for u even if it takes 10 yrs, i dont care and all he cares abt is being withme for ever...im scared of telling my parents abt him..becoz they really hate the guy..they told me that he's doin all this just becoz of my money but thats not true becoz he said we can live alone away from everyone!!


help me plzz how should i tell my parents and convince them that he's the person that i want to spend my entire life with!!

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1) im 18 ryt now but when i finish my studies i'll be 21

2) he's 23

3)when i go there we see each other everday...i spent all my summer holiday with him and i'll see him again for christmas

4)becoz i love him and he's the pefect guy for me..no im not ready now becoz i have lots of things to finish and we're only thinking of getting engaged next yr

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I think you should take care to respect your parents, but continue building your relationship with him and see what happens, don't hide it from them, and they might be more trusting. Have they ever met him?


Don't be in a rush to get engaged/married - you are still young and if he is the right guy, there is plenty of time

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my parents told me to choice between them and to forget abt the policeman and never think of him becoz he wont make u happy.


There comes a time in your life when you need to stick up for yourself, and people you love - no matter if it's your parent or not. It seems like your parents judge someone by their occupation, which is unacceptable in my opinion. You'll never be happy as long as you let them choose the way you live your life. As long as you're happy with your boyfriend and he's good to you, that's all that should matter. Your parents should be happy that you've found someone who makes YOU happy.

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my parents told me to choice between them and to forget abt the policeman and never think of him becoz he wont make u happy


Here's what I think she means by that:


"Forget about the policeman because he is below us and I dont want some nobody tainting our family"


It sounds harsh, yes, but what she is saying is because SHE is not happy with him. Whos dating him, her or you??? Parents or not, they have no right to tell you who you can and cannot love. I think you need to stand up to them and tell them "This is my choice, and I've made up my mind whether you like it or not, you are going to have to accept it. You say you want to see me happy....well I AM happy, so be happy for me".


Good luck, I hope it all works.


PS. Sorry if I sounded rude 8)

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