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my best friend cuts....

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my best friend found out that i've been cutting, since then so has she. i think that the only reason she started is b/c of me. now im getting really scared b/c her sister found out and now she does it too. Then some of her sisters friends found out...now they too do it. I feel like its all my fault that this chain of people even started....it makes me feel like im so stupid for ever doing it or anything! at first, i thought theyre cuts wouldn't even be that bad, my best friends been showing me hers...and theyre pretty bad..but then her sisters are bad just cuz they are in a really noticeable place. Im scared for them b/c if her sis gets caught...so will she. I dont want them to get caught, or to even keep doing it. How do i get them to stop? i've tried talking to my best friend...but she wont listen. i dunno what to do....please help me if you can. Thanks..

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Hey, Its kinda strange.. the same thing happened to me, although i never cut. My best friend was cutting herself, and bragging about it, almost like she was proud. You need to be there for your friend right now. she obviously wants to be like you, so you need to be a positive influence on her. Stop cutting and spend alot of time with her. let her know how great you think she is, and slowly get her to talk about why she is cutting. Hope this helps

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...thats good advice! and thank you so much...but theres just one thing...see all my friends think the same thing. they say that if i stop so will she. so i tried to stop...but it didn't work. i was getting so worried about my friend that i lied to her and told her that i had stopped cutting...but a day or two later she saw the cuts. We're really close and we tell eachother everything. She said the reason she started cutting was b/c she hated herself, that she tried so hard to be good at something but it never worked. i tried to tell her something...but she like ignored it or something. I told her..that shes my role model...that shes everything i wanna be and that if i could even be half as good at her at things...it would be great. i told her shes such an amazing person and that i look up to her...well i used to think all that stuff about her. but now...shes changing. if shes trying to be like me....i want her to stop and be like herself. i've already been such a bad influence b/c before me she never did anything bad...nothing at all. i dont know how to talk to her about this cutting thing...b/c she'll just be like well you do it too...im so confused and worried about her...please help!

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For one thing...i will help you 02...umm for one thing everybody is like..."yea one day it'll be her last.....and ill laugh b/c it was her fault that she didnt listen."

for one...yea it was her/his fault and yea they dont want you to help them...but still...you still shouldnt laugh. and for two...you should NEVER say that about ur friends if u really cared. B/c yea one day it would be there last and it would open your eyes.

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