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Ex girlfriend wants a relationship now

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My exgirlfriend and I broke up because of some small issues we never tried hard enough to work out, and she really wants to 'progress' as in starting a relationship alone together and I wasn't too ready I guess. She left me and during the process she tried seeing other people, and she saw this one guy who got her drunk and date raped her... now shes pregnant and wants me back in her life, I want her too but she refuses to give the baby up for adoption. What options do I have, I know we both love each other and she made a mistake, but this mistake sometimes hurts me a lot. What can I do?

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This chick is looking for someone to father her child. She dumped you. Now, she's asking back for you, to clean up after her mess and to look after some other bastard's dirty deed. *CENSORED* HER!"

sorry if i'm colder then ICE, and sound like my heart is blacker then drath vaders helmit. but 2 things i don't put up is

1) man picking on woman in anyway and every way

2)woman/man who (PROFANITY DELETED BY MODERATOR) peaple over then comeback becasue there being (PROFANITY DELETED BY MODERATOR) over and make it siad like there the one that is the victom.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm with the others. how do you know he date raped her rather than just slept with her with her consent? Has she reported him to the police? if not, why not?


i would think it was pretty unusual for someone who had been raped to want to keep the child as a reminder???


plus, note she only wanted you back when she found she was pregnant!!


run away very, very, very quickly. sorry, but she doesn't love you and deep down you know this

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